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Comment Re:seriously? (Score 1) 133

And yet I don't see this failure everywhere that you imply in your original comment.

Given that many OSI projects aren't failing and are in fact very successful and well-regarded in general, I'd say it has nothing to do with the model at all.

That is to say, unless you can show that OSI projects fail more frequently than commercial software projects, you have no point at all. Bear in mind that this must include *all* commercial software projects, which is very hard because unlike FOSS, those aren't necessarily public.

Comment Re:seriously? (Score 1) 133

Obviously you're not a programmer. If you are, you're not a very good one.

Using proprietary software and hoping someone else fixes your problems is like playing Russian roulette. It might seem like a good idea at the time, but it ends badly.

Comment Site-specific browsers? (Score 1) 302

I can't wait for sites to claim I need their private browser release to browse their data.

Oh I'm sorry, you can't use the nasa.gov site without the RedCow* browser, because RedCow's sponsoring us to make you use it.


*RedCow not related to actual energy drink company.

Comment Re:The only winning move.... (Score 1) 435

Exactly. If you want to force someone's hand, buy someone else's product.

Remember when Microsoft had achievements and the PS3 didn't? Now the PS3 has trophies and in-game chat. Why? Because it got out-sold and they wanted those gamers.

Don't buy a product because you think it will support something later, buy it because it works *now*. If people would stop buying things they don't like, those products would be improved or someone else would make one that does work.

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