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Comment Re:Ooh, exciting! (Score 2) 351

> Hardware break even 5 days
> Net profit first time frame 24635.31 USD

Oh yeah, because I know a bunch of
You know what this reminds me of? All those ponzi schemes back in the 2005 time frame. You 'invested' money in various forms and then browsed only 10 websites a day and this money transformed magically on their servers into more! And you could roll it over or reinvest!

And then magically one day... they were all gone.

Comment Re:Not a gas-hybrid (Score 1) 222

You know that Canada only gets 1 engine for the TDI, the same one that America gets.

The 'new golf' TDI gets 74.3 mp imperial gallon and 85 mp imperial gallon ( 3.3L/ 100 km) highway.

Combined the Prius gets 72.4 mp imperial gallon.

It gets even better when you compare the Prius to the Polo (which has a more comparable interior space), it gets 80.7 mp imperial gallon combined.

Considering how much of most people’s driving is city rather than highway, that’s not even close.

Gross generalization there?

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