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Comment Re:Is anyone surprised? (Score 1) 240

If you need that much performance in a single CPU then $13K is trivial relative to the rest of the costs.

A complete and utter non-sequitur. If may or may not be trivial relative to total cost. I'm actually pretty goddam sure a $13K CPU is likely to dwarf the cost of the rest of the system - unless it has some outlandish amount of installed RAM - like terabytes.

Comment Re:Can we get something for the consumers? (Score 1) 71

If you think optical is any good whatsoever for archiving, you have never wasted time on it, No two optical drives can even agree on whether a written media can be read. Even the original drive is likely to reject a disk it wrote itself the day before. It is garbage technology on which I wasted all kinds of time and money, only to find it to have a reliability of zero. You can't have recording surfaces exposed to fingerprints and dust like that if you want something to depend on.

Comment Re:Why not OpenBSD? (Score 1) 436

TrueOS uses FreeBSD 12 current which is over a year awhile

What are you trying to say in English? Because that is gibberish. And what is a "food afternoon"?

The only one of those things that is any more than trivial to install is a DE. You can get all the rest in a few SECONDS using "pkg install sudo bash gnuls".

Comment Re:Fuck linux and systemd (Score 5, Informative) 436

What the fuck are you babbling about, schmuck? FreeBSD has an excellent binary package system with automatic dependency resolution: pkg. The user doesn't need to compile source from ports except if he wants something to be built with unusual options (same as linux, incidentally). All you need is "pkg install foo" and it will fetch the package foo and all its dependencies from the repo and install it.

Comment Terminology (Score 1) 188

I object strenuously to the term "prank call" for this sort of behavior. "Crank call" is a bit more appropriate, but still hopelessly inadequate. This is selfish sociopathic behavior of the worst, most disgusting kind.

Comment Re: Green Bar is the probem. (Score 1) 207

You keep using capital letters in a domain name. You know that's now how that works right? All domains are always lowercase, and even if you type them in manually your browser will switch it to lowercase.

It would be more correct to state that name lookups for DNS queries must match with case insensitivity. "" is identical to "", or "ExAmPlE.CoM".

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The next person to mention spaghetti stacks to me is going to have his head knocked off. -- Bill Conrad
