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Comment Re:Oooo ya (Score 1) 269

The problem with "notes" is that they might be contradictory, or fragmentary. Perfect examples of each would be Christopher Tolkien, and Brian Herbert respectively.

I think I've learned my lesson now - Regardless of how attached, disappointed, or involved I am I'll never buy or read any work which was created by somebody else after the author's death. They're always a disappointment, even if they shouldn't be.

(For example the upcoming "Douglas Adams" novel.)

Comment Re:woohoo! (Score 1) 621

Losing a phone once I can understand, but after the first time I'd be taking a lot more care where I put it!

If nothing else you should consider getting phone insurance - the premium won't be huge and if you lost phones as often as you suggest it practically pays for itself.

Comment Re:BASIC is good. (Score 1) 310

I had a similar progression:

Basic -> z80 assember -> DOS -> i386 assembly -> C -> Perl -> bash

These days I get oddly nostalgic about writing assembly under DOS (3.3ish), but mostly I'm pleased I started on a z80 which made the jump to i286/i386 assembly less painful than it would have been from a different starting point.

(Because zilog people were ex-intel I guess?)

Comment Researcher! (Score 1) 301

Typo in the summary:

The reearcher believes that this renewable, environmentally friendly energy source could be deployed in coastal areas and could provide another addition to the green-tech roster

Obviously that should be "researcher"

Comment Re:So? Why is he still trying to influence things? (Score 1) 1008

To my mind the GPL is free. People can see the source, and providing they promise to make it available to others too they can use it themselves. Sure that's not free as in public-domain, and it forces people writing closed applications to rewrite existing code. But people writing closed applications aren't contributing to freedom in any meaningful sense.

If you want to argue about how FREE different licenses are then I will leave you to rant alone...

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