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Comment Re:Unprecedented Measures (Score 1) 90

Indeed. The US still has a growth-rate of COVID-19 that is almost as bad as it was at the peak. All western nations have managed to bring that rate down massively and even the Brits are slowly getting there. The US seems to want to avoid a second wave by not stopping the first one.

You do realize the Covid-19 numbers in the US are way over inflated. If you are in hospice and dying in 2 weeks but catch Covid-19 then US States have been counting you as a Covid-19 death instead of your original hospice reason. You have cancer and get Covid-19 and die from cancer, yep you are counted as Covid-19 death even though it was cancer that killed you. Get in a car wreck in Illinois and die with Covid-19, yep you are counted as a Covid-19 death even though it wasn't what killed you. Anyone remember the US CDC said in November and December that this was the worst year for Influenza A & B deaths? Interesting how CDC still has not released any Influenza death rates since. Yep you guessed it those are being thrown in to the Covid-19 deaths. Only Colorado has started to restate their numbers to try and accurately reflect the real totals. Other states are supposedly looking to do the same but haven't done so yet.

Comment Re:Wait, wut? (Score 1) 483

It seems, more and more, that which the Left doesn't like gets declared "alt-right" and "hate speech."

Yes, the Left are very concerned about the increasing rightward shift of American politics. Even center-right Obama is now labeled by those on the right as "radical left", and radical right Trump is now considered mainstream. It's madness.

Huh? When Obama was president he was consider far left and a radical by most on the right.Hell Obama was hanging around Bill Ayers a member of the terrorist group "Weather Underground" and because of this wouldn't have been able to pass an FBI background check but instead was elected and didn't have to pass a background check. This is not new. What is new is the democrats are so far left now that Obama is getting labeled as not far enough left and some even saying he was on the right which is simply insane. The democrats have been trying to rewrite history a lot lately, but some of us are old enough to have lived through the history and remember it first hand not what someone told us or read about what someone wanted history to be rewritten as.

Comment HQC & Syphilis (Score 1) 470

Everyone seems to be screaming that we haven't done double blind placebo studies on HCQ so we shouldn't recommend it until we do. I guess we shouldn't treat Syphilis either since the current treatments for Syphilis have not had double blind studies either but we use the treatments because they work.The US recommends treatments often despite doing double blind placebo studies because we see them work in real world treatments.

The doctor with one of a largest Lupus practices in the US has said that he has had patients on HCQ for years at higher doses than what is required for Covid-19, not to mention you are talking 7 days of treatment for Covid-19 not years. He said he has had no adverse side effects in his patients from HCQ.

Don't get confused about the science. This has little to do with science and far more to do with how the pharmaceutical industry can't make big money on a drug who's patent expired a long long time ago.

Comment Out of Work (Score 0) 336

We have enough people out of work and enough people forced to stay indoors that we don't need more people showing up and being forced to stay indoors and then trying to take jobs from citizen who are out of work. We already don't have enough rental property in many parts of the US and adding more people at this time does not make sense. Can you prove they don't have Covid-19 or any other diseases? We already know that TB and many other diseases we thought we had under control are breaking out from illegals coming up from the south.

Comment Re:If this isn't a 2nd Amendment issue... (Score 1) 326

Well there are some C&C milling machines out there that could mill some decent guns. Combine some of the 3D scanners with existing guns and metal C&C machines and some of the brand new high end metal 3D printers and you could make your own gun, but I suspect it is cheaper to just buy a gun from Glock or whoever.

Comment Re:Too late to memory hole (Score 1) 162

Apparently there are some court cases in Florida and if the US government allows the cases to go forward then the US could sieze China assets to force them to pay the fines or whatever that the court rules on, but that is a lot of if's and but's. We are not quite there yet but looks like things are headed that way.

Comment Re:Too late to memory hole (Score 1) 162

You do know that the bat population that has C19 is over 200 miles away from Wuhan right? They are NOT local to Wuhan and you can't buy them in the Wuhan wet market because they are not local. Just a check with locals from the area reveals that this is garbage info China is trying to spread.

Comment Re:The world's smallest violin. (Score 1) 22

If you believe everything on Wikipedia and that Huffington Post is an unbiased and honest journalism website, then I have a bridge to sell you. The article quoted makes all kinds of claims with zero proof and supposes a lot and presents it as fact. That is piss poor journalism. This is typical for Huff Post. They have a known bias and are proud of it.

Comment Funeral Urns (Score 1) 258

If you really believe that is all the deaths in Wuhan perhaps you can explain the reports of the incinerators running in 7 different funeral homes for 7 days straight and then explain the 15 18 wheelers of urns for all the ashes and then explain why people were picking up ashes for 5 days straight from all the different funeral homes. Yea the numbers don't add up to the number of urns or length the incinerators were running or the number of people leaving funeral homes with urns.

This is the same country that said there were no deaths in Tiananmen Square (10,000 died there) and lied about SARs and every other out break they have had/caused. Yea China is not to be believed about anything.

Comment Re: Wouldn't it be easier - (Score 1) 56

Automating it doesn't make it perfect or good it just means you are making your assumptions and your values happen faster. It's like saying algorithms can't be wrong or misleading, which is crap they are made by humans who are fallible and they put all their biases and assumptions in those algorithms.

Comment Re:Clinton personal email server .. (Score 1) 676

She has no right to privacy while conducting business as Secretary of State. In fact all her "business" emails were suppose to be archived and theoretically available eventually under the FOIA. Also they are suppose to be available to give a history of how things were done and what was actually done for the purposes of history. We also could in theory learn from how we dealt with other foreign powers to know how to deal with them better in the future.

None or not much of any of this is true which is just sad and a travesty and a reason why she should never ever hold a public office again given how much she betrayed the public and her office.

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