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Comment Day Of The Tentacle (Score 4, Informative) 480

Cartoony, Hilarious, and not impossibly difficult. And easy to acquire. A spectacular game all around and you can run it right in scummvm.

Really I recommend all of their games, but I'd suggest that as a best "first" game. Monkey Island 2 is my actual favorite scumm game, but its SUPER hard so not really a good "first" game.

Comment Re:welp.... (Score 1) 220

In your fraud-free world, enjoy your ~$45 a month 500kbps connection and don't complain to me that a guaranteed 10mbit line costs hundreds of dollars a month.

I'd rather be on an oversold line with a high peak connection speed than a "Guaranteed... to be slow" connection, regardless of what your definition of fraud is.

Comment Re:live free or die, eh? (Score 1) 486

Other posts point it out, and its true - they don't make "most" of their revenue from speeding tickets, BUT

I used to go to school in NH and I got a ticket for doing 50 in a 30... which sounds like I was doing something wrong, except heres what REALLY happened.

I was coming down a long hill admittedly doing 50mph. I was in a 40mph speed zone. Then I saw near the bottom of the hill that there was a 30 mph speed sign but i didn't really see it till the last second because it was kinda blocked by trees until you got within about 20 yards of it. I slowed down to about 32mph or so.

Cop was sitting in an unmarked car maybe another 100 yards past the sign, but I know from his perspective he could have very well shot me with radar while I was still at the very top of the hill - definitely doing 50, definitely going "10 over" but definitely not doing 50 by the time the speed limit dropped to 30.

It got dropped but only because my record was clean anyway, I didn't even need to mention the fact that the sign was blocked by trees.

Long story short - NH is a sack of dicks when it comes to speed traps, and I have no intention of ever living there. There are roads just like that one by my house in NY that have a 55mph limit, not 30mph.

My pair of solutions. 1. NEVER give a cop a reason to pull you over. If you're going 7 over, you might attract enough attention to yourself to get some dick cop thats gonna decide to write you up for going 13 over when that may not have actually been the case. If you're going less than 5 over, they'll probably leave you alone because they'd rather screw around with the guy going 7-10 over that they'd miss if they pulled you over first.

And the obvious one, 2. Fuck NH. If I'm driving to maine I'm gonna go over the mass pike to get there and cut out as little NH driving as possible, and I will never stop for gas or to eat or give business of any kind to any business within NH state borders. That state is dead to me.

Comment Fastest Broadband (Score 2) 163

I apparently already have the fastest internet service I can get... RR turbo at 15/1. I only signed up for it because it was advertised as 15/2 right on the site where I upgraded my service. After about 2 weeks of trying to explain to various people in the company that the service is advertised as 15/2 so I expect 2 mbit uploads, the best they could do was credit my account for free turbo for 6 months and absolutely could not offer me the service advertised. Sounds like bait and switch to me. Even made a youtube video about it.

To add insult to injury, what I really wanted was RR extreme (Their 30/5 docsis 3 service) but even though its been on and off the ordering page on their web site, every time I try to order it my order gets cancelled because its not yet available right at my house. Never mind that Comcast, for as crappy as they are for other reasons, have like 95% of their nation wide service area covered with docsis 3 already and have for like 2 years.

  If they'd get off their asses and actually make docsis 3 work, I wouldn't have had to deal with the bait-and-switch 2mbit/1mbit RR turbo shennigans.

Somebody should just sue them over this shit. Even if its not illegal to drag your feet on upgrading your customer's service, it IS illegal to offer a level of service at a certain price, and then refuse to honor the offer later. Credit or not.

Comment Re:sorry, mod me down for way off topic but... (Score 1) 2058

The dictionary definition doesn't really clarify the scenario, other than pointing out that it does mean the same thing as whine, and that its chiefly british - two things you could find just by reading my own post.

The issue is that while its a british phrase, its not widely used enough to have a good web site explaining why its "whine" in the US and "whinge" elsewhere. It would also mean why I could go for so long without hearing it in any actual media, just random people on the internet saying it.

Comment sorry, mod me down for way off topic but... (Score 1) 2058

What the heck is with the extra G in "whining?" I thought it was a typo the first time I saw it but now I've seen lots of different people do it? Is this pronounced like it rhymes with "singing" or does it rhyme with "cringing?" I've never, ever, heard anyone anywhere say this out loud, not even on like British TV shows, so where the heck did this come from? Is "whing" even a word when you leave off the -ing?

Comment MOD PARENT UP (Score 3, Insightful) 827

I've been saying for years that there is a new kind of wrong-headedness that people in today's society apply to factual matters - that if they don't understand the reasoning behind a factual statement, then they just claim its a matter of opinion. I think this is overcompensation for when we were taught in 2nd grade that sometimes facts are actually opinions. Well, the less intelligent among us have extended that to mean "sometimes things you don't understand and make factually incorrect statements about are 'just opinions'

Everyone is welcome to an opinion, but certain matters aren't a matter of taste. Example:

"Red is better than green." This is an opinion because you could like red or green or whatever color with essentially no justification and nobody questions you on it, because its purely a matter of taste.

"The color red has a wavelength of around 300nm" would be a factually incorrect statement, not a matter of opinion. Red has a wavelength thats more like 550-650nm or something like that... I wanna say 300nm is violet or ultraviolet. (I might be wrong on that one, but it still illustrates the point). Some people never learned the difference between "A factually untrue statement" and "an opinion." And 'magical cables make sound better!' is a factually untrue statement, not an opinion. It just takes more verification than the average jerk audiophile can be bothered with.

Disclaimer: My expertise is audio design/engineering, so the above comments may be tainted with objective fact.

Comment I really have no idea what the "problem" is (Score 1) 67

In some particular benchmark it doesn't have as high sequential read speeds as you might expect, and yet these "mp3" and "video" read benchmarks probably don't require the maximum bandwidth allocated from the drive. It might be working EXACTLY as expected if its streaming MP3s from the flash media which may have a "slower, but fast enough for media streaming" sequential speed and its doing it so that the platter mechanism is free for anything else that might come up.

I don't rate the performance of this drive as "having issues" at all, even after reading the entire benchmark page. The hybrid nature of the drive seems like it would make it very hard to benchmark accurately - the real question is whether it feels SSD-like in normal operation or if it feels slower than a regular laptop drive from the same company. If its the latter - THATS a problem. I know theres no quantitative measurement of "does my computer feel faster" but it seems like the data they've presented is likely not representative of what you should expect from the drive. The actual large-file sequential speed seems to be at the top of the laptop hard drive list and the random reads are close to "true SSD" territory.

I'm guessing nothing needs to be fixed at all and its working exactly as intended... its just that one or two benchmarks seem to turn out lower numbers than you'd expect even if the overall performance is good.

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