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Comment Re:1M bail and 1yr in jail...? (Score 1) 189

Lawyer : "Are you suggesting that any one member of the jury could have done this easily?" Me: "Probably not, but" >> "Thank you, no further questions."

When the expert witnesses get cut off in the middle of their explanations, how in the hell are we supposed to educate anyone?

Unfortunately a better answer with the method the courts use would be "I can't speculate as to their knowledge of computer systems." You have to give a non-answer to a question you can't possibly know the answer to, so the lawyer has to re-phrase the question so it's not so loaded.

Comment Re:Decriminalization in Light of the Drug War (Score 1) 640

I'm not going to dig up the exact articles, but Mexican drug cartels have been busted running grow houses in the San Diego area before. Indoor, high quality, hydroponic setups. They rent a house for the sole purpose of growing as much pot as possible, and the housing meltdown has made it even more profitable to do so. One of the local papers (either the Union-Tribune or the North County Times) has run a few articles about houses like this being busted, or burning down as a result of the crappy electrical systems used.

Comment Re:My Bet (Score 1) 817

If Google designs the OS right, my guess is that there will be offline modes of everything, and it will sync with the online versions when you get a connection back. They're not talking about making a system with no hard drive for it, as far as I'm aware.

If they do this right, they'll also be able to allow Wine to work, which opens it up to still running Windows applications, as well as Linux apps.

I doubt they're going into this without a good vision for making it a real competitor.

Comment Re:Wolves (Score 3, Interesting) 472

That definitely makes sense. I had an Australian Shepherd (via a roommate) that did dumb things all the time, but had great problem solving skills. Opening doors and windows, knocking over beer cans (never glass bottles) onto the ground (but not carpet that would soak it up), running away and coming home a few days later. She knew a lot of commands too, but I'll never call her smart. She just was a loyal problem solver. And she enjoyed beer.

Comment Re:Shades of grey or colors? (Score 1) 881

I presume that all politics are based on a circular system, where you have left and right on each side, moderates in between on one "side" of the center, and the crazy at the other side. If you go too far left or right away from moderate, you've entered the crazy zone. I made a graphic to help those who don't understand:

Comment Re:outsourcing and unemployment (Score 1) 1144

Maybe the problem is that you have degree requirements. Most of the people I know who can handle that stuff don't have a degree in IS, but they have plenty of real-world experience doing exactly what you're looking for. Apparently that piece of paper is worth a lot more than knowledge and experience, so you get exactly what you're advertising for.

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You see but you do not observe. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, in "The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes"
