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Comment Re:Avoiding that "Race to the Bottom" (Score 1) 76

Yes, I am absolutely certain that observable things in the past have happened. You're denying that they haven't? Certainly you can claim it was correlation and not causation, but the facts themselves are indisputable. Of course I am not certain that a similar course of action in the future would play out the same way.

Comment Re:Avoiding that "Race to the Bottom" (Score 1) 76

Do you honestly think that this makes even an iota of difference to how much the politicians will spend (and just print money to make up the difference)? Also, your math is flawed: the last several times the U.S. government has raised corporate taxes, government income has gone down, because there's been less economic activity to tax. And the last several times they've lowered corporate taxes, the resulting economic boom has caused an increase in government income from taxation. If you want the U.S. government to have more money from taxation, we should want to lower corporate taxes, not raise them.

Comment Re:Stupid people used to be hamless (Score 1) 218

Because there are a few demographics where the virus is significantly more harmful than the flu. If you'r eyoung and healthy, it's less deadly. And if you're a kid, car crashes are more likely to kill you - so if someone says they're worried about "unvaccinated children", they're seriously deranged by the panic porn.

Comment Like Those CA Doctors Who Were Right About It All? (Score 1) 450

Remember that viral video of those California doctors who were saying that the death rate wasn't 5%, it was closer to 0.5%, and that the best place for everyone to be was actually outside, in the sunlight, and challenging their immune systems? And then the video was taken down for "misinformation", even though now we know they were spot on. Is that what we're talking about punishing?

Comment CCP Culpability Is Not Just About Lab Leaks (Score 3, Insightful) 128

It doesn't matter whether or not there was a lab leak. When the outbreak started, the CCP shut down domestic flights, but not international flights. That in itself shows that they decided to take it seriously for their own citizenry but not to try and protect the rest of the world.

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