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Comment Re: Sadistic (Score 1) 236

You left out the same thing they did. How will this look? How will it look to those who fell for it thinking they were getting $650? How will it look to those that did not, and saw you using a Christmas bonus as a test? How will it look to the public if it hits the press?

Comment Re: Security Compromised, Domain Transfer Success (Score 4, Informative) 236

How did your company manage to get "large" without implementing a system to track their employees' shipping address? All of the places I've worked at, from fortune 50 enterprises down to the startups have had a solution for people's locations.

Many did it by not giving every idiot access to the full employee database. Security means least privilege.

Comment Re:Security Compromised, Domain Transfer Successfu (Score 4, Interesting) 236

You're right, we should hire better people. Your prices will double starting 1/1/21. Thank you for your input, as always your suggestions are deeply appreciated. Sincerely, -The GoDaddy Team.

That is actually what I did. i am with SafeNames, and while slightly more expensive, they are totally worth it.

Comment Re:OK I scanned the article (Score 1) 77

you just need to grab the credentials of the server on the less secure machine

What sys admin in their right mind uses a Windows domain controller to handle access to their Linux servers? One might use a Linux system as a domain controller for desktops. But not to control access back to that server itself.

And if you do run a part of the Windows ecosystem on a Linux box, don't run it as root.

Ones hired by CTOs that know Windows. Or that have a standard desktop policy. Chances are that the ssh credentials are cached in putty anyway...

Comment Re:how is this credible threat? (Score 1) 77

When you have a large company, it is likely that you have at least one idiot who will run it. Then the attacker has a foothold to attack with that users privileges, and can usually find a system to elevate those privileges. And now they can also use Linux as a platform. So, FreeBSD file servers for the win!

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