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Comment Re:Michael "Deathwish" Wolf (Score 2) 205

No. The problem is that Wolfe was the wrong guy. He's a Gossip Columnist who is most famous for lobbing bombs over the transom to see what he can shake up. To that end he will do or say anything. "The Most Loathed Man in Media," even CNN -- hardly a right-wing pillar -- describes him as "pugnacious" and "arrogant." If you were really looking for someone to lay into Trump and credibly dig up the goods to bring him down, Wolff was ABSOLUTELY THE LAST writer you would call. He's a self-absorbed gadfly party-boy more interested in making the news than reporting it. The cause would have been better served had he taken his notes and given them to a real journalist to byline. Whatever important stuff Wolff may have unearthed during his time as "a fly on the wall" at the White House is going to be buried beneath the inevitable exaggerations, un-truths, half-truths, mis-quotes and overall carnival atmosphere that permeates all his work to date.

Comment Only Winners Are the Lawyers (Score 1) 77

It's a giant legal circle-jerk. Those filing the suit get to thump their chest, pose as The Great People's Champions of... something, tweet aphorisms, and pump up their resumes. The FCC, meanwhile, quietly warns the other side's lawyers to go away lest they be taunted further...

Comment Michael "Deathwish" Wolf (Score 1) 205

Out-Of-Towners may not know that NYC gossip columnist Michael Wolff has a bit of a deathwish when it comes to choosing his battles. He took on (in a weirdly, clearly fixated way) Rupert Murdoch with a previous "biographical" tell-all, seeming to have forgotten that Rupie owns the town's biggest tabloid The NY Post. THEN he began diddling one of his interns at Newser, escorting her about to all the city's hottest and most popular spots, because: Michael Wolff. (Those were the days when diddling an intern didn't get you automatically rejected from The Club.) The Post pilloried Wolff, whose columns for various publications always trended deeply into holier-than-thou moralizing. Even more suicidally, Wolff's wife at the time was the -- wait for it! -- preeminent NYC divorce lawyer! She took him -- and likely everyone within 2 square blocks of him -- to the cleaners.

His work has always been sloppy -- by his own admission he is not a "real" journalist. He's like the masochist who is always picking fights, just for the attention. Is it any wonder that he would -- loudly, grandly, with much fanfare -- try slapping around the world stage's biggest bully?

Comment Re:WTF? (Score 4, Informative) 80

It's actually even stupid-er than that. Fagioli is bylined on the original Betanews site. He is using slashdot to essentially link to/promote his own site. If you look at his submission history, he does this regularly. Hopefully, slashdot is compensated for this promotion, and is not just participating in this pseudo-journalism circle jerk out of laziness, but I am not hopeful...

Comment Re:Santa is a distraction (Score 1, Insightful) 82

We do teach them why the Church decided to celebrate Christmas on Mithras' birthday, and honor St. Mary on May Day, Candlemas on Imbolc, and celebrate All Saints' Day on the day after Halloween. It was part of our Embrace-Extend-Destroy strategy. See people celebrate a pagan feastday, put a Christian overlay atop it, gradually shift focus to the Christian deity and demi-deities, wait a couple of centuries, and Poof! All the pagans and witches are polishing crystals in New Age bookstores struggling to make ends meet, and The Church has become a multi-billion dollar enterprise.

We think about these things way more than you give us credit for...

Submission + - The Race for AR Glasses Starts Now (

mirandakatz writes: There's been an increasing consensus that augmented reality will be the next computing platform—after personal computing, the internet, and mobile—and that the first company to put forth a true pair of AR glasses will have ownership over that new era. At Backchannel, Steven Levy surveys the current AR landscape, noting that attempts so far to create AR glasses have been underwhelming at best (read: Google Glass and Snap Spectacles, neither of which have taken off). But that doesn't mean they're not trying—a quick look at Apple's tells you as much—and in the meantime, tech companies are easing consumers into AR by developing an array of AR mobile apps. As Levy writes, “While we wait for the ultimate augmented reality glasses, 2018’s version of augmented reality involves layering information—from Harry Potter characters to Ikea furniture—onto the live images provided by your mobile phone camera. Apple, Microsoft, Google, and Facebook all are providing deep toolsets for developers to create apps for this approach.”

Comment That's An Easy One! (Score 4, Insightful) 71

The large tech companies like FB have already made arrangements with Comcast and the other pipe-owners. They will happily pay a premium for their bandwidth, as it will make it harder for newer, less flush rivals to compete against them. What good is an Old Boys' Network if you can't use it to squash the young pups?

Comment Links Make It Worse Written Not Better (Score 4, Insightful) 92

There's a generation of writers and editors today who believe that the inclusion of a boat-load of hyperlinks obviates the need to provide any background for the reader. Slashdot's cradleful of content-curators are among the worst offenders. They say, "I don't have to explain anything, just clink on the link and you'll understand!" I say, "Learn to write, you lazy sons of bitches, before I remind your ad sales guys that you are intentionally driving your readers off your site."

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