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Comment Re:Start by... (Score 1) 467

What can you do in Slackware that is impossible in Ubuntu?

Make sense of the configuration scripts. In slackware, they're just that, simple bash-scripts that run as you boot the system. In ubuntu, you can count yourself lucky if it's only a script generated by another script based on four different configuration files scattered through the file system.

Comment Re:Porn game (Score 1) 96

In Batman: Arkham Asylum I think it's Harley Quinn that remarks upon the lockpick mechanism which effectively allows one to control the vibration of the controller at one's leisure with "a girl could have hours of fun with that thing."

Just sayin'

Comment Re:Charles Babbage? WTF? (Score 1) 58

I think he's a good choice, being a bit of an eccentric jerk type of guy. I quote wikipedia:

'Babbage's distaste for commoners ("the Mob") included writing "Observations of Street Nuisances" in 1864, as well as tallying up 165 "nuisances" over a period of 80 days. He especially hated street music, and in particular the music of organ grinders, against whom he railed in various venues. The following quotation is typical:

It is difficult to estimate the misery inflicted upon thousands of persons, and the absolute pecuniary penalty imposed upon multitudes of intellectual workers by the loss of their time, destroyed by organ-grinders and other similar nuisances.

Comment It's all very easy (Score 1) 150

Good Sequels: Mass Effect 2, Starcraft 2, Thief 3
Bad Sequels: Deus Ex 2, Fallout 3 (though Fallout: New Vegas is on the good-ish side)

The trend is that good sequels are true to the original format while only fixing things that are genuinely broken, while bad sequels piss in the face of the fans of the original games by deviating from the original format so much that the connection to the original game(s) become questionable.

Comment Re:Shocking news: (Score 1) 387

No, for driving games a wheel is what you need.

That is the best option, obviously. But a gamepad with "triggers" like the xbox360 controller is okay, as it at least allows you to control acceleration, braking and turning in a smooth fashion. Keyboard+Mouse is the worst sort of atrocious. Everything is either full on, or full off. Either you slam the pedal, or you take your foot off it completely.

Comment Re:4chan might be down forever. (Score 2) 710

Nothing was lost? The porn! MY PRECIOUS DEVIANT PORN! Oh how I miss thee, German* midget wrapped in a latex catsuit fighting off naked clowns with an oversized Q-tip!

* How do I know she was German? Well, the only people who create weird shit like that are the Japanese and the Germans. And she wasn't Japanese.

Comment Re:No (Score 1) 545

Modern IDEs autocomplete documentation and explanatory comments for you? That's pretty neat. I obviously need to upgrade. The difference between an okay programmer and a good programmer is not in the code the compiler sees, it's in the code that the next person reading the code sees. It's possible to write the same algorithm in two different ways that will generate exactly the same AST, but only one of which is readable and easily comprehensible by another human. See the Obfuscated C Contest for extreme examples of the other kind.

Good programmers write code that doesn't need a multi-paragraph description and line-by-line comments. The structure of the project should obviously be documented (how does the modules connect, and so forth), and any caveats or unexpected behavior in for example boundary cases, but beyond that, good code documents itself.

This is a pathological degree of documentation (but none the less all too common):

/** Adds two numbers
      @return The sum (a + b)
      @arg a The first number
      @arg b The second number */

int sum(int a, int b) {
    return a + b;

The function does what it says on the box, so you don't need to comment it.

Comment No (Score 1) 545

Modern IDEs tend to auto-complete so much that it really isn't a problem, even in verbose languages like Java. Then there are of course those languages that are so abstract and dense that it will never matter, like say Haskell.

Comment Re:It was just okay (Score 1) 762

Heavily influenced by the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica, SGU felt much more "adult" and real than any previous SG series (some of which were just downright hokey).

Only if, by "adult," you mean "emo."

I think the term used in the industry is "darker and edgier". But yeah. Emo.

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