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Comment Re:FUND THIS SHIT. (Score 1) 101

It was always funded. It would really be interesting to know if the lines of embryonic stem cells that Bush funded research were involved in these experiments . I'd be willing to bet that even if this research wasn't actually funded during the Bush years it built on embryonic stem cell research that was...

Comment Re:Its a Trap, Teachers ARE Left Behind (Score 2) 561

If only there were powerful unions looking out for the best interests of teachers...

By and large teachers get what they fight for. That they spend their time/resources fighting to keep administrations from firing the incompetent is on them.

It certainly isn't a lack of funding holding teachers in the US back...

Comment Re:Don't do personal shit at work (Score 2) 782

Just this week my employer told me to update my benefit information on an external site hosted by the provider they use. It required SSNs for my beneficiaries and medical history for me and my spouse. I don't think it's unreasonable to think that this information would be private even if done over my employers hardware and network. If my employer is capturing this information and storing it somewhere I would like to know, and more importantly I'd like some assurance that it's staying private, and not everyone in IT has access to it.

Comment Re:disgusting and deplorable (Score 1) 169

The US spends more than 3 times the next closest country on stem cell research. Government funding of stem cell research even increased during the Bush years. Let's not let the facts get in the way though simply because you don't understand what the policy was and the difference between embryonic stem cells and the kind discussed in the article...

Comment Re:If they don't like it (Score 1) 687

You're placing zero value on things like health insurance, disability insurance, sick leave, vacation time, etc... that you "earn" when you work full time at your local retailer. Most of these modeling jobs are day work and don't come with the benefits that you'd get with full time work (even at a lowly fast food joint or retailer.)

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