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Comment You people watch too many movies (Score 1) 274

It seems to me that AI would be focused on a function: Buy a stock. Diagnose a medical problem. Determine a better way to deep fry a donut. I hardly think it'll become sentient one day and say "Humans already have a well prepared donut. The next thing to do is.....KILL THE HUMANS!!" I'd worry more about HUMANS KILLING HUMANS before I worry about robot sharks with Lasers on their heads programmed to bring us to our doom.

Comment Friend's wife was killed by a driver that was high (Score 1) 608

and her two year old son spent six months in the hospital with a brain injury. This is why I'm opposed to legalization. I don't care if people smoke their brains out at home, but like alcohol, they can't be trusted not to drive. I think there's enough impaired drivers on the road already. Until there's a quick test for impairment, and good long sentences to throw offenders in jail, it's use should remain illegal.

Comment Excellent review (Score 2) 204

and i completely agree with comments about the future of the game. While I've had fun running two toons to 90, the grind for my other toons may not happen at all. I'm tired of it. Blizzard needs to make XP and rep for alts, once you've run through content once or twice, greatly accelerated. Then I'd have more fun with the end game content.

Comment well, duh (Score 4, Insightful) 156

In a perfect world, everything is free and we have an endless supply of lollipops. I bet it's not even a real hard realization that you need to make money to continue operating. What gets people pissed is when companies take obscene profits -- the catch is that we all can't agree on what obscene means. For me, that means I don't buy Apple or soda at the movie theater. And I look for my textbooks second hand ( I like the margin notes, anyway )

Comment Meh -- I can read stuff on a 1987 floppy. (Score 1) 434

Just for kicks, I pulled out a floppy with some files on it from 1987 ( My resume was short back then! ). I had no problems reading the files. However, I could not run any 16 bit programs ( I found a copy of Norton SI -- I was wondering what the speed index on my Core i7 would be ).

Comment Paper and pen. Keep it simple. (Score 2) 257

There's a plain looking red notebook in my desk drawer. The first five pages are blank. I've written down username/passwords and account numbers for everything. I've told her it's there and I keep it updated. I don't pretend the information is at risk from a meth-induced burglar. The FBI is not coming knocking. I have not discovered a secret to the universe. My method is simple and immediately available to my wife or daughter if it's needed.

Comment Microsoft must be so pleased.... (Score 3, Funny) 149

the government is hiring people to hack my software with the intention of doing harm. If I was Apple or Google I'd be looking at this closely. Even if you hate Microsoft, this seems pretty ambiguous. I wonder if there's something in the Windows EULA that Microsoft should sue the government for violating.

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