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Comment Re:Is everything currency, then? (Score 1) 425

So wrong.

Our economy is backed by debt. Banking records, paper, etc are just IOUs. You do some work (make something of value, perform a service) someone can pay you for that with an IOU. You can then trade that obligation to someone else for a good or service.

The value of the debt is based on market forces, eg whatever value someone will give it.

The money / currency has no value. If you trade in gold for something other than a debt note (IOU) you are just bartering.

Comment Re:Copyright itself is problematic for technology (Score 1) 259

Have you not been to the Internet? Millions are creating content every day. We're doing it right now!!!!!

You give far too much credit to the abilities of "professional" authors.

Really all they have to do is put up a low cost pay wall or pay to download site and post the work up. Hundreds of thousands would pay $1.99 or so to read their work.

Just like apps they would get a big spike on release day and then it would fall off and pirates would begin trading but if priced right most people will pay a few dollars. A decent author could make a few hundred thousand a year on one book a year. If you can't write one book a year (due to research time or whatever) you may be able to charge more but if your market is too small then it really comes down to economics. Write something commercial to fund your hobby / niche piece.

It's actually so easy now that it's a little embarrassing to see smart talented people shafting themselves so badly.

Comment Re:Fuck comcast... (Score 1) 284

Netflix is your actual savior.

Step 1 - subscribe to netflix and buy a Roku/AppleTV
Step 2 - cancel cable tv (and possibly upgrade your network speed)
Step 3 - profit by saving ~$100 / month, which you can optionally spend buying tickets to live music/sports events instead of sitting at home or if you must rent a VPN and usenet anything not on Netflix.

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