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Comment Re:Office space to affordable housing? (Score 1) 165

It's very expensive. These buildings were designed to be used as office space. A few clusters of restrooms on each floor and a whole lot of open office floor, that sort of thing. Converting it to residential housing would require major work since now each apartment unit would need it's own restrooms and you're also adding additional water requirements for showers & kitchens. That in itself could kibosh the whole thing. Also, apartments need windows. Tenements from 100 years sometimes were windowless, nobody wants to live in anything like that. So, If it's a building with a large footprint there may be a lot of square feet that can't be used for anything.

Comment Re:I wonder (Score 1) 194

I'm nearing retirement age, though I continue to find satisfaction in my job. I've been working from home since the very early stages of the pandemic and I will not go back to working from the office after an hour commute each way. So, no, not everybody over 40 agrees with your statement. Not everyone's job can be done from home, but those jobs that can be done from home should be done from home.

Comment Re:The U.S. tried permanent DST before, it was HAT (Score 2, Interesting) 104

I was in high school when that happened. We would stand at the school bus stop in the morning in pitch darkness; it didn't even start getting light outside until halfway through our first period class. That lasted about a week until the school district moved the school day's schedule ahead one hour, negating any perceived advantage of year round Daylight Saving Time. Permanent DST was a stupid idea then and it's a stupid idea now.

Comment It can be done easily, but it usually isn't (Score 1) 145

I have a 2015 Subaru with what I guess is called a climate control upgrade package. There's a large knob with tactical feedback to change the interior temperature. Some days I want it set at 71F, some days maybe 74F, easy peasy. The only other button I ever touch is the one for the the rear window defroster and then only on those rare days when it's needed. How difficult can this really be?

Comment Appealing to morons (Score 0) 89

They don't propose bills like this because they think they're a good idea or even that they think the bills have a chance in hell of passing. They propose them because the bills appeal to the morons that are their base. Any Republican will gladly destroy Society as long as they can get a bit more power.

Comment Why buy it? (Score 1) 174

I would think the only people that would buy Impossible Meat are those that, while like they like meat, are against eating animals for ethical reasons, and that's all well and fine. It's still designed to taste like meat, and it's pretty much as unhealthy as real meat from what I've read, so that leaves out anyone that thinks it's healthier. Add in the fact that it's at least as expensive as real meat, and you've got a pretty small percentage of the grocery shoppers out there that will actually buy it.

Comment Re: Nobody asked for this. (Score 1) 335

Until about a year ago I had an oven that was built in the mid 50's. It had one of those electromechanical timers where you could set a predetermined time to turn the oven and start your roast (roasts were apparently a big deal back then) Of course in the 30 years that I owned that oven I never used that feature, because it was a stupid idea back and it's a stupid idea now. You're not going to put something in the oven and have it sit there all day while you're at work just so it can start cooking while you're on you're way home; that's certain food born illness. Also, it takes maybe 20 minutes to heat up an oven if you turn it on as soon as you get home, less time than it takes to change clothes and prep a meal to put in that oven. In all my years I have never felt a need to either control my oven nor get information from it if I'm not actually standing in the kitchen.

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