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Comment Re:Not comparable. (Score 1) 426

After two weeks you might think you've learned that programming language. To all your friends who don't know any better it looks like you're some kind of cultured genius. But to anyone who actually knows and works with the language you will appear to be a lost tourist constantly checking a guidebook.

Comment Re:It's junk. (Score 1) 105

Just to add a little to what you said. An old GPU/ASIC can perform certain tasks far faster than modern CPUs. If D-Wave ends up only able to solve that kind of problem faster than a traditional computer then it must also be able to outperform the GPU/ASIC setup as well.

Comment Re:Not neccesairly (Score 1) 324

Being civilized does not allow a person to control their emotions. If you have ever seen people scared for their lives (for real or imagined) you would never have made that statement. Most people have no idea what they will do in an emergency until it has happened to them. Their idealized self most likely crushed in that moment and they spend the rest of their life trying to forget it or playing "what-if" games during boring meetings.

Comment Re:If that wasn't crueal and unreasonable... (Score 1) 1038

I'd say it is to get them out of our lives. If this person could never meet face-to-face with another human being without a guard on standby who is ready to restrain or kill the man, what is the point of keeping the prisoner alive? Some would argue that he could contribute to society in other ways though. That is the only place i could see a life sentence over execution. Vengeance could only satisfy the hurt and society as a whole would not understand and feel it wrong anyways.

Comment Re:If that wasn't crueal and unreasonable... (Score 0) 1038

Why bother? If someone is so terrible that they should never be part of society again then just kill them and forget about it. I don't see it as a revenge thing at all. The only downside i've really seen to the process is how they keep executing people who eventually turned out to be innocent. wtf happened!?

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