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Comment Bunny makes a Novena (Score 1) 88

Bunny: "Bless me father, for it has been 3 years since my last confession. I confess that I have not been attending Mass regularly and have had impure thoughts about proprietary technologies!"

Father O'Reilly: "Why that is fairly serious. I suggest you say a Hail Mary twice a day for two months."

Bunny: "OK, Father."

Father O'Reilly: "Oh, and can you make a Novena?"

Bunny: "Why sure, Father! Give me the schematic and I can make anything!"

Submission + - NYT Op-Ed: Stop Glorifying Hackers (nytimes.com)

Geste writes: Diane McWhorter, an author, take to the March 8th NYT Op-Ed pages with a plea to Stop Glorifying Hackers. Among other things she rails against providers' tendencies to "blame the victim" with advice on improved password discipline. But what lesson are we to learn from this lecture? From someone who emails lists of passwords to herself?

Comment The US pokes itself in the eye with a stick (Score 4, Insightful) 315

First, I'll stipulate that Snowden is a hero to me. Half my age. Twenty times the guts.

What really bothers me, though, is how the Administration bungled this. Amateur hour! The moment we arrogantly, petulantly forced Evo Morales airplane down in Austria, we pretty much guaranteed that Snowden would need to hole up and that Putin would take the opportunity to stick us in the eye. This is beyond amazing. We've put ourselves in the position where a vicious thug gets to posture as the nice guy and leave us with very little to do. We are depending on a thug to protect the fate and future of a man who initiated one of the most important discussions in our nation's political history. All because we couldn't think straight and realize that Ecuador or Venezuela or *anywhere" would be a batter outcome than what we got.

It's one thing to get poked in the eye with a stick, but quite another thing to run into the stick full tilt. Amateur hour.

Comment Re:Money Talks (Score 1) 359

Obama isn't the retarded Bush that could barely read. Obama actually has an Ivy League degree.

And Bobby Fischer was a really smart guy. What's your point?

No, unlike in the Bush era, I don't cringe when I hear the President speak. I just get very depressed.

Maybe not the worst President in this country's history, but certainly a leading contender for the most disappointing.

Comment Simplistic. Not Credible. (Score 1) 146

Yet another simplistic "smart cards would have prevented..." article. Do we really believe these glib summaries from MSM "Experts"? Will we simply accept the premise?

Time for a reality check. In an earlier thread after the breach, there was an entry from a @girlintraining that was at minimum though-provoking, and arguably much more credible than a lot of the puff pieces on offer. Take a moment and read it:


A conspiracy theory, for sure. But more sophisticated than any other Target analysis I have seen.

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