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Comment Re:PDF Torrent? (Score 1) 190

Reading comprehension fail.
I said "believe the story summary implicitly", meaning that "[t]urns out one survived" would be exactly that -- one single solitary copy.

It's not quite clear as to who owns the work, so the word "declassified" might be a marketing ploy. In fact, I'm fairly certain that this particular work is not owned by the government, but instead has incorporated from a work owned by the government within, and added some stuff to make it original -- much like the GPL.

Getting the material itself may be free, but you may have to to pay an administrative fee, sure ok I'll split hairs too. The thing is, books are cheap to print. The list price on this is $25. If this is owned by the government, then that's a pretty darn good profit to turn for a printing fee.

Comment Re:PDF Torrent? (Score 0) 190

How can you get informative without giving any information whatsoever?
How can you infer how much I do or don't know about the FOIA? I actually used to have to respond to them on a daily basis. I think I know the procedure to get information from the government, thank you very much. I am aware that an agency is allowed to asses administration fees to process a FOIA but this is usually a rather nominal fee. I could argue that the material is "free" and there is a processing fee, does that sit better with you? And wow, what a brilliantly detailed correction you lay out! "Nuh-uh!"

Since it's been deemed declassified (provided this isn't a marketing ploy) it would seem that the government owns the work. Thus by what you say, that eliminates a contractor owning the work (again, presuming the word declassified isn't a marketing ploy).

How about in your stinging rebuttal, you go into details about how one would get information like this, provided it was owned by the government, from the government and what -- if any -- costs would be associated with such a procurement?

Comment Re:PDF Torrent? (Score 3, Insightful) 190

Er... parent not insightful, unless one believes the summary implicitly. At the cost of $10.99 (plus shipping), I'm pretty sure they've mass produced this sucker, or else the info is absolutely worthless (*stage whisper* DO NOT SEEK THE TREASURE!).

One of the questions raised on the Amazon page is: shouldn't this material be public domain? It is owned by the US Government and any copyright would seem to have expired at this point, and moreover it seems like we should be able to get a copy for free under the FOIA.

Comment Re:Old iPod? (Score 1) 316

Well, I guess then we still need that mod, but it should read "-2 corrected wrong but still fucking wrong" mod and it would apply to me.
Interestingly, what I find on the microdrive and in particular with iPod Mini microdrives is that the CF function is somehow disabled.
I'm guessing there were numerous hacks around it (probably starting with Rockbox and getting more mundane).

Comment Re:Old iPod? (Score 1) 316

Yeah, really need a "-1, really fucking wrong" category.
If you had pointed out that the iPod Mini used 4gb CompactFlash, then perhaps so many people wouldn't be laughing at you.
But not distinguishing between iPod & Mini is like not distinguishing between the iPod Touch and the MPMan.

Comment Re:I'm sorry, but you are wrong. (Score 1) 964

Oh, I have to disagree with income being a defining factor on how one speaks. Witness the countless multitude of suburban white boys who speak poorly in an attempt to appear as if they know what inner city life is like; as if one could absorb the horrors and incorporate it through mimicking speech and dress. However, you are correct with your second sentence "greater percentage of whites ..." -- those aforementioned white boys aside.

I am glad you picked up on the racism angle; most people think it's actually a compliment to say that to a black person.

I saw an Irish comedian who was bemoaning the fate of Irish entertainers in America as superstars. Around the turn of the century (and up until the 60s, as near as I can tell), it was the Irish who occupied the "entertainment darlings" status that works so well for black people today. He was wondering where all that optimism had went. I, of course, was thinking about the title of John Lydon's book "No Blacks, No Dogs, No Irish."

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