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Comment Re:Which company bought this 'new' rule? (Score 1) 1143

I'm not entirely against this rule, but I think it should be a local law not a national one. Someone in the middle of the city burning things is a pretty big asshole; someone living in a cabin in the woods isn't causing local problems and could possibly have circumstances that make the usage more understandable -- e.g., using wood that otherwise would go to waste, or using it as a back-up fuel source in case something goes wrong in the middle of winter.

An indoor stove that burns wood or coal really is dangerous, and it's most dangerous for the people inside the house. It makes you more likely to get serious, incurable lung and heart diseases.

My sealed wood stove pulls outside air for combustion and exhausts to the outside. the only time it is open to the inside is when I load it. once every 4-5 hours. I can honestly say i breath more fine particulate matter on my commute to and from work.

Comment Re:Which company bought this 'new' rule? (Score 5, Insightful) 1143

It also looks like this has become a minor right-wing cause. Jack-booted thugs coming to take away your wood-burning stoves, and all that.

The right wing tends to be against regulation that erodes personal freedoms. This particular rule may or may not be a good idea, but the healthy thing for society is to look at all new regulation with a healthy dose of skepticism and suspicion.

You have got to be joking. The same right-wing that is calling for anti-abortion law across all the state where they have uncontested power? The same right-wing that is taking away the right to vote in the same states?

That right wing?

Comment Re:NOT robust at all... (Score 1) 584

um. you are saying the "bluest of the blue" (which I read as "liberal") would be more likely to agree that PRISM (or whatever surveillance program is de' jour) is acceptable? Really?
Why? Because that 'liberal' Obama (PRISM, ) is for it? Or maybe that 'liberal' Bush (TIA, Patriot Act, TSA)? which one?

This is not a conservative vs. liberal problem. This is a all government becomes corrupt problem.

Comment Re:Political correctness in action (Score 1) 409

Rape, Dangerous Pregnancy.
Sometimes the woman doesn't have a choice or has her life in mortal danger. So I throw it back at you; who's life do you choose to protect? who's innocence gets to be protected?

It is simply not fair to tell a women that she MUST continue to be pregnant, or for that matter must have an abortion.

As a loose analogy, would be okay for someone to tell you that you MUST provide blood or organs to prevent another from dying? That by refusing to do so you condemn that person to death, because there is no other person that can provide the required material, and then are made criminally responsible for it?

Yes, as a father and husband, I am part of the trio involved. But in the end my opinions about abortion mean NOTHING. I am not the pregnant party. I would like to think that I will be listened to and my arguments for or against an abortion carefully considered, but finally it is not my choice.
I do feel that after a certain point an abortion should be highly restricted (notice that I did NOT say disallowed), but I don't know that I CAN know when that would be, so any law about it will be flawed.

In the end women are not property. They are sentient, thinking beings with the right to make decisions about their actions, person, and possessions.

Comment Re:Good job on behalf of the hacker (Score 1) 261

As long as there isn't positive identification of voters at the voting booth, there will always be rampant fraud in some areas. Eliminate the hacker prone, but require state ID to vote.

unless that State ID is free... you have a voter tax. and that is already been declared illegal. (Jim Crow laws and all)


BlackBerry Bold Tops Radiation Ranking 189

geek4 writes with this excerpt from eWeek Europe: "Data from the Environmental Working Group places the BlackBerry Bold 9700 as the mobile device with the highest legal levels of cell phone radiation among popular smartphones. Research In Motion's BlackBerry Bold 9700 scores the highest among popular smartphones for exposing users to the highest legal levels of cell phone radiation, according to the latest 2010 Environmental Working Group ranking. Following the Bold 9700 are the Motorola Droid, the LG Chocolate and Google's HTC Nexus One. The rankings still put the phones well within federal guidelines and rules."

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