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Comment root (Score 1) 605

You can have my root password when you can pry it out of my cold, dead hands.

We can admin our windoze machines to install stuff and such, but the domain control rests in our IT dept (2 guys for 140).

The several "public" linux machines I develop on and administer have a common root password, except for my "personal" machine, which I keep. All the stuff they'd want off of it is in perforce anyway, so it's not a big deal.

Comment I just responded (Score 1) 17

I just sent emails to the Ohio senators, Brown and Voinovich (a liberal and a RINO, respectively).

The message from CCV was plain and clear, but I added the following to the Closing:


It's too bad no one has the balls to go back and find all of the idiotic, unconstitutional laws and make a pressing case to prosecute these morons who overstepped the authority under the 10th Amendment. Let's start with FDR and go from there. (Yeah, I know he's dead... but we could still have a nice trial. Maybe FOX NEWS would be interested...)

I don't believe for 10e-200000 seconds that my email will be read by either of them... but maybe it will get the attention of a flunky somewhere and it might cause them to think.

Comment Stupid story (Score 1, Insightful) 620

It doesn't matter a rat's ass.

Pick up any browser, type in

Does it get there? Sure!

If you're worried about all the time spent typing, store the stupid text in a document that you cut and paste! (Yes, this will take more time, showing even more how stupid this whole thing is.)

Store a stupid bookmark. Then you only have to type https://blah.blah.blah/ one time.

Get a life.

Comment Due process (Score 1) 5

Then there's the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments: I cannot have my liberty taken away from without due process. This is admittedly the shakiest of my claims for historical reasons ...

Taking only the above argument, and for the moment putting aside all the other REALLY GOOD AND ACCURATE parts of your post...

Isn't the due process here that duly elected officials believe that this law is just and that it should BE a law? (guffaw! sorry!!)

Sorry, but that's how they're going to look at it.

The Supreme Court has held that this necessarily also implies the freedom to not associate.

I have no doubt this law will pass, but I also have little doubt that it will be found to be unconstitutional on those grounds.

Comment Re:You don't know how to take care of yourself (Score 1) 9

Oh, I hit the wrong button. Blast!

The other thing I was going to say is that the LAST thing they really want regarding this is any kind of debate over the facts. The old joke "Don't destroy my argument with the facts!" sure holds true here.

There was an A.P. analysis not too long ago that showed his health care speech to be inconsistent with the facts. But from what I remember, not many papers carried it or took it seriously. I found links to it on a couple conservative blogs and that was it.

I'm glad you posted this J.E. I think it's important to talk about this topic.

But Obama and his liberal C.U.N.T.s (Can't Understand Normal Thinking) don't really want to have this discussion outside of their own group because in their opinion, none of us are intelligent enough to understand the Big Picture as they see it.

Comment You don't know how to take care of yourself (Score 1) 9

It obviously should be ruled unconstitutional, since the federal government has no right to do this. But even apart from the constitutional questions, why aren't we having a debate about whether or not we want to have a country that forces all people to do something, just because those people are alive?

You know and I know that this is quite unconstitutional under the 10th amendment.

But Obama doesn't know or care because a) he's probably never read the Constitution, and b) he's a liberal and doesn't give a rat's ass about the Constitution, and c) all he knows about the Constitution is that it's a "living document" subject to liberal whims and follies and d) he's a liberal and knows-what-you-need-even-if-you-don't-or-if-you-don't-think-so-and-so-you-should-shut-up-now-because-you're-disagreeing-with-him-and-so-you-must-be-a-racist.

Comment Yes, she does (Score 1) 9

I know this is a generalization, and I know a few liberals that don't do this all the time. I don't think they're so into it that they've reached the point I describe below. But in the media and in politics, I think the following is true.

It took me a long time to believe this myself, but here's what I've concluded: liberals lie.

On the surface, this may not seem to be big news. But when you realize that they lie ALL THE TIME, I think it takes on more significance.

They lie ALL THE TIME: to themselves, to their voters, to each other, to the press. They're so pathological in their lying that they're confused and they don't know from one moment to the next what they believe. They don't know who to trust even amongst themselves.

I heard an announcement yesterday regarding B. Hussein Obama's speech next week on health care reform. You know what he's going to do during that whole time? HE'S GOING TO LIE!! He may slip a few things in there which are merely opinions that many people share, so they're going to come across as truth. But when it comes to him saying anything he is going to do, he will be lying.

How can I say this? Look at the lies he spoke during his campaign, the things he said he was going to do, then did the complete opposite. To pick one, the statement that proposed legislation would be available to the public for discussion before he signed in. What did he do with the "Stimulus" legislation? Rammed it through while people screamed about not having a change to talk about it. What did he try to do with the health care legislation? Tried to force his party to rush it through Congress. It wasn't in his party's interests to have people know what was in it, so they didn't really talk about all the evil. It was the non-liberals who started screaming about its contents that ground progress to a halt.

To pick another, he was going to get us out of the wars (didn't he just send more people to Afghanistan?). And yet another, he was going to reach out to the other side and get rid of partisanship (this is the same man who told the Republicans to shut up and get out of the way).

So, yes, Feinstein really does believe all the shit she spews. She can't tell it from roses.

Comment Did you expect anything different? (Score 1) 15

In a million years, I would never expect anything different.

This is a generalization, and I know that there are a (very) few of those who fall under the label "Liberal" that don't necessarily deserve to fall under this generalization, but here it is:

They are generally childish bullies who say whatever they're feeling in the moment, and in the next moment what they just said doesn't matter any more if it no longer serves their point of view in the new moment.

So it should surprise absolutely no one with the brain power of a night light that this is how they behave. They don't care about what you did for them yesterday because you disagree with them today.

True Conservatives don't behave the same way, again, as a generality. That's because for the most part, they're mature thinking people, not frightened and cowering immature fools. Yes, there are some people who call themselves "conservatives" that behave that way, in the same way that there are people who call themselves "liberals" who don't behave like I described above. But the populations of each of these exceptional groups is much, much smaller than the size of the populations of the mainstream.

Today's liberals are self-serving morons. "Liberal idiot" is, in general, redundant. They are incapable of using what few brains God gave them.

I apologize (a little) for ranting, but in watching the news and reading what the likes of Pelosi and B. Hussein Obama have been spewing forth lately, I had to express my opinions somewhere.

Comment Re:I'd actually like to talk about this (Score 1) 3

What do you want to talk about?

There's enough negative in this bill as it is right now that no amount of positive could outweigh all that negative -- unless you scrapped the whole thing and started over with input from all concerned, not just the (I know this is redundant, but) liberal idiots.

Comment So... (Score 1) 6

I think I was able to explain my views and how they come from my first principles, how liberty must be respected; and I told them I understood they just wanted health care for everyone, no matter how it happened.

What exactly did you say?

I already know our Congressman, a very conservative fellow, is against this mess. I'm sure that there are parts that aren't completely insane, but since they have to yea/nay on the whole thing, I know he's voting NAY.

Thank Heavens Voinovich The Traitor is getting out of the Senate. I hope we can vote in someone with common sense. Brown is, I'm sure, going to vote for it.

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