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Comment java too (Score 1) 332

You're right, the documentation for python or javascript macros in LibreOffice or are quite poor. Basically it's missing, and for such a sought after feature, this is quite a problem. Also missing are the docs for using java macros. I'm not sure what else LO and OOo can support, there might be more, but even these three are a major advantage that could use publicity.

Comment All the friends that $1.5 billion can buy (Score 1) 270

Bwuahahahaha.... that was ... oh... wait... you are serious?

Windows 8 will succeed not because it's any good, but because it has to - MS has a lot riding on this one, more than on ME or Vista or the other dogs. They will spend billions to make it successful, but it doesn't stand a chance at beating competition that is actually somewhat good.

You can buy market share. But you can't buy being good.

They really will spend billions. The esimates are that M$ will flush over $1.5 billion in marketing Vista 8. Some estimates are a little higher. Whether that is enough to overcome the suckiness and buy some market share still remains to be seen. So far it's not doing well on the desktop and is still a no-show in the tablet space. And what they are about to try with Dell might tip the hands of the other OEMs over to Android/Linux or GNU/Linux

Comment blocking it at the firewall (Score 2) 158

As KiloByte wrote, your list is very incomplete. You can block Facebook at the firewall if you use the ASN to look up all the nets involved.
/usr/bin/whois -h '!gAS32934' | tr ' ' '\n'

From there you can munge the list of nets into a list of firewall rules and add them to your firewall. No more tracking by Facebook.

Comment Re:How to treat a loyal customer (Score 4, Informative) 571

Here's two: Citadel and Kolab

Among other things, Kolab is a product of a series of contracts for the federal office for Security in the Information Technology in the German Government, though both are quite secure.

Then there are two more: OpenGroupware and Zimbra. Module options are out there. If you're not finding them, then it's because you are not looking.

Comment robots.txt -- yet again (Score 1) 114

If the law passes, the search engines will go "fuck that" and only index free content or newspapers that specifically allow their stuff to be indexed for free. The other newspapers will lose their only remaining readers under fifty and die out along with that generation.

The supreme stupidity here is that a law is not needed. If the sites don't want to be indexed, it's dead simple to set up robots.txt to keep out Google and the others. But that's been pointed out thousands of times by now. So if they and the courts are not getting it by now, it is because they choose not to get it.

Comment Dell Laptop $70 cheaper with Ubuntu Linux (Score 1) 403

Microsoft is essentially paying a large builder like Dell to put Windows on the systems. Linux, on the other hand, has no one paying Dell, so that $50 premium probably represents the loss those marketing dollars.

That would make sense except that just the other day a Dell Laptop was $70 cheaper with Ubuntu Linux. Screenshots are included. I won't argue against a Ubuntu computer being worth more than a Windows box, but something is wrong.

Comment or block it at the firewall (Score 1) 686

Am I the only one that uses a hosts file? Takes care of more than just ads.

It's to the point now that when I see ads, I'm shocked. I've had them blocked for years.

They may be able to stop adblock, but good luck trying to outlaw a hosts file.

/etc/hosts is one way. It's also very easy to block it at the firewall. That goes for ad servers as well as trackers and is easily done whether using PF or IPtables. It takes a moment to set up and then your surfing is faster and less annoying.

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