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Comment Re:This article doesnt make sense (Score 1) 217

Where do you live? I've been saying for decades that this should be the case everywhere. Separate the companies that provide last-mile wiring from the companies that provide services over those wires, and it will end up being the only regulation the entire industry would ever need. By the way, greetings from one four-digit user to another :)

Comment Have we passed Peak Google? (Score 3, Insightful) 469

At this time we may begin to wonder whether we have passed Peak Google. Now that the company is large enough to get itself tangled up in politics, people from all political persuasions are watching its every move and looking for things to get upset about. The privacy issue could also be Google's biggest systemic problem, raising distrust in the company similar to IBM and Microsoft before it. We know how this ends -- a long, slow decline.

Personally, I'm very happy with DuckDuckGo. In just a few years it went from completely-unusable to a perfectly fine Google alternative. And I certainly wouldn't trust my email to any server other than my own.

Comment Remember when there were lots of web sites? (Score 4, Insightful) 87

Those were the good old days, when there were lots of different web sites and if you didn't like one, you could go to another. Many of us remember "the Internet interprets censorship as damage and routes around it." Somehow we got to a point where Facebook and Google interpret the free Internet as damage and route around it.

Comment Why should this be surprising? (Score 5, Insightful) 182

No one should be surprised. We saw this happen with computers and now we're seeing it happen with smartphones. The market is saturated, the existing installed base is more than capable of handling most workloads, and therefore fewer people are motivated to upgrade every year. You want us to buy new phones? Build them with longer battery life and less crapware/spyware. The screens are already good enough. The cameras are already good enough. The operating systems are already good enough. Gee-whiz bells and whistles aren't going to motivate us to upgrade anymore. And stop building phones with notches.

Comment Re:Which is really kind of sad (Score 1) 81

That's the problem. Microsoft couldn't have come out with a design like that before the iPhone, because Apple and Google had to show Microsoft what a usable smartphone should actually look like. Come on guys, this is Slashdot, we've known for decades that Microsoft isn't capable of coming up with good ideas by itself, they have to copy someone else. Unfortunately for Microsoft, the market was already saturated, so even if the product was better, it never stood a chance. It's the same problem the desktop Linux people have.

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