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Comment Seriously big -- Seriously serious! (Score 1, Interesting) 185

Perhaps within all that data is a DVDrom or two of real juicy material. More importantly, there may (should) be enough info in there to
convict the former Bush administration's true criminals. Destroying that would be "destroying evidence": Supposed to to a 'serious crime' in the US. If most of it is Windows word/email, that thankfully compresses over 1000:1 to 'human readable' text. Programs such as 'antiword' would be my first line of attack if I was in-charge of this mess. Thankfully I'm not.



Comment Why bother? (Score 0) 90

Since its well established nobody reads a EULA: Wouldn't it be painful to translate it into dozens of Languages? Perhaps computer programs can as legalese is very limited. Its more of a computer language and legalese might be parseable as such. Anybody who uses software surely knows its "at your own risk" and not much else.

As for FOSS, its expected everyone knows the spirit of the GPL and how it differs from the BSD contract. Not much else is enforceable on
a global scale.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Re:Getting PCs to the third world

Its not exactly clear if this goes to MsGeek's journal or my own. Anyways, MsGeek, whoever you are, and aparently you refuse to reveal your true identity and email address, i hope you read this and might even dare to reply to my real mail.

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