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Comment Re:Hold tech companies' feet to fire about H1-Bs (Score 1) 694

You know, in this economy, with the job market so bad, I really find it hard to believe that its that hard to find workers who don't have a similar enough background that they cannot be trained to do the various tasks. Although I think that is part of the problem, excess specificity. They won't want a database admin, they want SQLSERVER 2007 enterprise edition. And they need Symantec AV version 12 admin. And they expect to pay minimum wage. So they code those parameters into the resume filter, feed through 50 thousand resume, no hits. Gee I wonder why.

Comment Re:Patent validity and copyright maint fees (Score 1) 694

I would say that if they miss more than one prior art they risk losing the patent. That will light a fire for them to be more accurate.
I think copyrights need to be dramatically shortened. I mean come on, 75 years after the DEATH of the of the author? And corporate ownership is FOREVER
I would mandate that copyrights need to be registered. Even if it is something like a dollar a year.. In that way we can identify orphan works that should be made free.

Comment Re:Open Access Government records (Score 1) 694

I disagree on sellers liable for selling to uninfomed buyers. How exactly am I supposed to tell if someone is stupid or malicious? If I lie or mislead about what a product can do or what it contains, or how it works, I'm ok with that. Put how am I supposed to guess that someone will buy my toaster and fill it with napalm and ignite it in a movie theater?

Comment Patents (Score 1) 694

No more patent trolls, patent owners must actually make what they patent.
No more submarine patents, date of effectiveness should be that of original filing.
Patent submitters must pay proportional to the number of claims that they make.
No more patenting mathamatical functions like exclusive or.
Patent holders may lose patents if they fail to disclose prior art.

Comment Re:fakeap (Score 1) 268

I myself would rather people not use this old stuff as all it does is jam the airways. I'd have a good laugh to think that these blokes are surveying the environment to count the "illegal" access points, and they count more "access points" then there are people from all the SSID's that fakeap is sending out.

Submission + - Breakthrough Allows Solar Cells to be Fabricated From Any Semiconductor (gizmag.com)

Zothecula writes: Despite their ability to generate clean, green electricity, solar panels aren't as commonplace as the could be. The main sticking point, of course, is price. Due to their need for relatively expensive semiconductor materials, conventional solar cells don't yet have a price-efficiency combination that can compete with other sources of electricity. Now Profs. Alex Zettl and Feng Wang of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the University of California at Berkeley have developed seriously unconventional solar cell technology that allows virtually any semiconductor material to be used to create photovoltaic cells.

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