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Comment Re:Expected response (Score 4, Insightful) 250

Actually, IIRC, when Dice bought Slashdot, that's pretty much exactly what they said. They gave the usual, BS "We promise we won't change anything guys," spill. Of course, 5 minutes after saying that, they started fucking with stuff. Some of the most embarrassing were those paid sponsor videos they started trying to pass off as regular submissions. You would think that they would have known better than to try to bullshit such an intelligent userbase with some retard-obvious shit like that.

Comment Re:Slashdot death rattle (Score 1) 250

If Dice would stop chasing off users with one stupid fucking move after another, maybe more advertisers would come. Slashdot used to have a userbase where 1,000+ comments on a story was pretty common, and even big sites could be "Slashdotted." When's the last time you saw THAT?

Here's a hint, it was before Taco sold to Dice.

Comment Re:Slashdot death rattle (Score 3, Insightful) 250

One of the biggest annoyances I found in the beta is the way it handles comments in the User section. Right now, in classic, I can do a quick check of all my posts and see all the replies and mods to said posts in one nice table. In the beta, I can only see them one comment at a time (and have to click on each one to see if there were any replies or mods). Not to sound like a narcissist, but I do like to keep track of replies to my posts. And the shitty beta makes it almost impossible to do that.

But on the upside, I get to see all my Slashdot "Trophies" on the left!! Woo hoo!!

Seriously, trophies???? Wtf??

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