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Comment Re:The extended mind (Score 1) 106

It does have profound influences on society, especially when you consider our 'extended mind' can also be a 'shared mind'.
e.g. the Internet, and thats where all the drama is about 'fake news', and increasing efforts to control our extended mind through censorship, eavesdropping etc.

Its always been there though, through mainstream media, i think the difference is that as we become more empowered through accessible information we are becoming more aware of it.

We are still waking up, but once awake our democratic systems will correct the flaws that exist in current institutions.

Podcast about it the extended mind below;

Comment Re:Good laws should be technology neutral (Score 1) 360

I really should have rtfa, but there is a difference between mass surveillance and targeted surveillance.

The old school surveillance was targeted, because it just didnt make sense to waste all that manpower. Now that its cheaper to do mass-surveillance.

As a society we have to accept target surveillance (unfortunetly), but software cant be back-doored with any guarantee that it will be only used in targeted surveillance.

Mass surveillance will always be immoral, because its punishing the innocent to try and protect them from the guilty. Principles like that are very human, they dont change with technology.

Comment Re:Why stop at $50? (Score 1) 248

You still only have the same amount of movies per year. They are just talking about reducing the lag.

So in the month they introduce it, you might catch up and get another half dozen movies for $50 each, but after that its just more expensive video rental.

Cant you just wait ?

Comment Re:A damn good reason to learn security best pract (Score 1) 374

Computers (and machines in general) were created to make the life of humans easier. Imho, a real programmer also remembers that fact.

There are no technical reason a programmer cant create code that is good for humans (usable), and for machines (efficient).

The problem is when a programmer decides, or is forced to compromise on quality. That is the lesser programmer.

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