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Comment Re:Why Dig? (Score 3, Funny) 39

Seems like a no-brainer to me. Why go out and dig up fossils when you can just print up a dino-bone. Gap in the fossil record? No problem. Just print up the missing link using a 3d morphing tool and be famous.

... and if you do carbon dating of the petroleum products used to make the plastic bones, they're both the APPROXIMATELY the same age, right?

Comment Re:Can they get phone stores to install it? (Score 5, Interesting) 143

Unlocked phones are becoming more available, and more carriers offer "bring-your-own-device" plans. So this should be offered as something you get installed by small phone retailers or, for more volume, bulk importers of phones and tablets. It's useful for people who don't want to be tied to Google or Apple online services.

Unlocked bootloader is not the same as network unlocked, unfortunately.

And considering the legislative environment, it may never be the same. Thankfully, unlocked phones (both network and bootloader) are becoming quite common - thanks, in part to google (and the nexus devices). Also, it's been "a thing" in europe for some time, I hear.

Comment So, 2 million and 1 will come from somewhere else (Score 3, Insightful) 246

ARMv6 is outdated, ARMv7 is the way to go. And I'd rather have a not-so-beefy GPU than one that takes binary firmware blobs.

Of course, if the tech doesn't fit, you must ... not purchase it. Or something like that

On the other hand, 2 million purchases seem to think that forking over $40 for a board isn't a TERRIBLE idea.

Comment Re:Poop thread! (Score 1) 51

...and our distant descendants will gain the most accurate picture of us from our landfills, if we haven't already mined them out.

Sure, on our eating habits - Garbage in. But what if "garbage in = garbage out" doesn't hold true in the future?

Or what if they use our landfill as fossil fuel (wouldn't that be ironic)?

Comment Re:It's good to be the king. (Score 4, Interesting) 151

It's good to be the king. -- Mel Brooks, "History of the World pt 1"

Agreed. I'm one of the fortunate ones - my boss actually follows the rules, but I've worked in places where the boss is exempt from basic network security. One was a small business where the boss 'pays the bills', so he got to 'make the rules'.

When his customer database was deleted he fired his IT guy in a fit of anger. He lost a lot of money in a wrongful dismissal settlement, and lost all of his business. It might have been the IT guy who did it - but the lawyers obviously felt that 'I don't need a slow virus scanner' was more likely the cause. Or at least, reasonable doubt.

Comment Don't teach, and certainly don't learn ... (Score 5, Insightful) 465

Want to stay safe? Don't learn ANYTHING that the government doesn't explicitly approve.

If you're living in the 40s, that means avoid learning about integration.
In the 90s? avoid learning about marriage equality.
Living in 2013? Don't learn about avoiding government interrogation.
Living in 2015? Don't even THINK about avoiding surveillance.

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