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Comment Dear stupid vendor (Score 1) 77

#assuming this is AD related...
#assuming you have users in an OU called users
$users = get-aduser -filter 'name -like"*"' -searchbase 'cn=users'
#loop through each user
foreach ($user in $users){
$passfunction = get-random
#concat username+ random number for a password, ya it's shite but quick n dirty
$password = $user+$passfunction
Set-ADAccountPassword $user $password

#define $csvobject to prep the above for nice and neat CSV export.
$csvobject = [pscustomobject]@{
user = $user
password = $password

#pipe the CSV object into the CSV exporter.
$csvobject | export-csv c:\temp\userpass.csv
#I make no claims if this would work, this is just a quick and dirty comment based on my own sources and quickly looking at some stackexchange

Comment Re:Amazing (Score 1) 91

The official app only allows you to block 1000 accounts. On a site with millions of users. They don't tell you clearly that's the reason; the app just gives an arbitrary error message in 99% of cases.

That's shitty design and operation intended to stop you from blocking all of their advertisers.

Comment Re:Exercise causes injuries (Score 1) 121

>your problem was probably locking yourself into an HMO (perhaps to save a few dollars on premiums?).

It wasn't a problem when the wife and I first signed up many moons ago. Her mother was a director of an unnamed department at the hospital, so we were always treated well. Once she retired though that changed.

Comment Re:Exercise causes injuries (Score 1) 121

Here's a few pics for you from 2012. A before and after (2009 to 2012)

Shirt off pic. You can see the washboard forming, pectorals were starting to form too. I was wearing a size 34.

You can build muscle with cardio and running. Sometimes it's genetics. My 14 year old son has been doing road bike racing the last 2 years, and has seen some crazy gains on his legs.

Comment Re:Exercise causes injuries (Score 1) 121

>Calories don't appear magically in your body. That you may not have been able to refrain yourself for either eating healthy, or eating less, or both, is another issue entirely.
Cereal for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch, and a proteins, side veg and roll for dinner.

>Or maybe it is the same issue, if you were actually doing exercise to compensate your bad eating habits.
Or maybe it's like I said, I can't even walk a mile now without pain. My mobility has been severely limited to the point where the only way I would have stayed at 180 would have been a 700 calorie a day diet.

>Also, if you had been in a country with good public healthcare (like in Western or Northern Europe), this wouldn't have been a problem either.
Does Canada count? I have friends here in the US that LOVE our privatized health care because in Canada they would be waiting months just to see their doctors.

Comment Re:Exercise causes injuries (Score 2) 121

>This isn't an issue with health and exercise, it's an issue with idiots in the medical system.

I think it was an issue with the medical system first, doctors second.

Kaiser is an HMO, not an insurer. You can almost think of an HMO like a Gym membership. Everyone pays a fairly flat fee and gets access to various bits of equipment (or healthcare in this instance) There is a few problems though.

1. You cannot really sue an HMO in California for Malpractice. So this allows them to make shitty judgement calls.
2. The Doctors at Kaiser also own stock.. So indirectly the doctors have an incentive to deny care, especially if they think it will be costly to the hospital bottom line.
3. In regards to #2, Kaiser will come up with crappy tests to deny care.. like using a BMI chart, instead of something more comprehensive like hydrostatic weighing.

Comment Re:Exercise causes injuries (Score 3, Interesting) 121

I honestly feel you're better off not exercising after my experiences.

In 2013 I ran quite a bit, 2 to 4 miles a day. I had been doing this for several years and had a washboard stomach, rippling calves. Was never much of an arms guy. During one of my runs that year my knee did something it never did before, it bent backwards. I had pain on the inner knee that wouldn't go away. I went in to see my doc at Kaiser.

"You're 5'10 and 180 lbs, you need to lose weight"

"But I'm all muscle!"

"Ortho won't do anything for you at that weight"

Kaiser in all their infinite wisdom had cursed me that day. Despite being in the best shape of my life, sleeping soundly, tons of energy, my doc just looked at a BMI chart and decided the state of my health. I'd later self diagnose this as a torn meniscus, something pretty easy for them to fix. They're just not going to do it. With my body unable to burn calories like it did before, my weight has shot through the roof.

With that, I'd say not doing exercise might have been better. What I wouldn't give to be able to just walk a mile without pain, or up a flight of stairs without the knee clicking.

Comment Re: unsurprising ... ? (Score 1, Interesting) 417

thomst uncontrollably leaked from his fingertips:

t0qer opined:
- but the spin CEC-P puts on it is purely political.

On a site that grants us the ability to write opinions, you seem to be bothered that people do. It's impossible to critique political opinion, without said critique being political itself. Less we forget that the opines of the founding fathers was considered "radical" print.

Comment H1-B should be a path to citizenship (Score 4, Insightful) 118

H1-B should be a path to citizenship, why?

It would eliminate the abuses of the system. Let me explain.

H1-B abuses exist because of the "Find a new job in 30 days if you get fired, or go back to India" While it's true, TaTa consulting charges $250k a year for an engineer, after they take their cut that engineer is lucky to be making $60k. I've seen it happen soooo many times.

So in reality, we need 3 things to happen.

1. Ban consulting companies like Tata and Infosys from playing the H1-B lottery.
2. Eliminate the "30 days" option.
3. Give H1-B's the same rights and recourse Americans have.

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