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Comment Re:Gravitational time dilation (Score 1) 412

Yes. If the blackhole is supermassive, the spaghettification wouldn't take blace before entering the event horizon. The fun fact is, that from a distant observer, the astronaut would never go across the event horizon (due to time dilatation). And by never I mean do mean never. Until the end of time the astronaut will not cross the event horizon.

The next fun fact is, that because of hawking radiation, every blackhole will eventually evaporate. This means, that the astronaut can't actually cross the event horizon. Never.

Submission + - Estonian Schools to Teach Computer-Based Math (wsj.com)

Ben Rooney writes: Children in the Baltic state will learn statistics based less on computation and doing math by hand and more on framing and interpreting problems, and thinking about validation and strategy.

Comment Public recognition is a PR thing (Score 1) 470

Let's take Stephen Hawking as an example. He is thought to be one of the biggest geniuses nowadays. But if you ask common public member, what did he discover, most people won't be able to say a single thing. He published many books for general public, which made him good PR, he is disabled, which is good for such image too. The media think, that he is current Albert Einstein and hence the general public does.

To be sure somebody doesn't take me wrong, I took S.H. just as an example, I'm not by any means questioning his work.

Comment Re:Teleportation and special theory of relativity? (Score 1) 162

It does not. QE binds particles in such a way, that when one particle is measured, the second is bound by this measurement. For example if you measure, that one particle has +1/2 spin, the second then has -1/2 spin. This is not transmission of information - you can't force one particle to have spin +1/2 and cause the second particle to have instantly -1/2 spin.

Comment Re:Khan is not "math" (Score 1) 102

Integration, sin(x), statistic, differential equations and this stuff is, what makes mathematics useful in real life. I don't argue that the very core of mathematics consists of axioms, proofs, theories and so on, but for most people mathematics is the part of "math" that is most used.

So in short, no, we can't :)

Comment huawei? (Score 2) 230

I think that Asian companies are not out of the game. They almost always use some kind of open solution for their devices, since nobody wants proprietary OS no apps for that. For now, they use Android, but they can try Ubuntu in the future too.

Comment Re:Tax avoidance (Score 1) 592

This is also for people. Of course the companies that own the ships traveling in that area are profiting from such protection, BUT - once again, the companies are just people, the shareholders, management, employees - those people benefit from the protection from pirates. The company as a juridical person doesn't care.

Another example would be: If I have company and the company and this company generates some profit. As long as I don't withdraw the money from my company, I can not use the money. The company can reinvest the money (before the end of fiscal year) and pay no taxes, or save the money (during the end of fiscal year) and pay the taxes. Even if the state for example by protecting its ships increases its profits, nothing changes, the money is still stuck in my company. If I want to collect my profits, the money will be taxed by income tax, otherwise my company will reinvest the money in some point in the future (inflation is the force causing this and is strong enough).

When I state it as simple as possible, income taxes are just forcing companies to reinvest their profits the same year and don't save anything for future.

Comment Re:Tax avoidance (Score 1) 592

It is not in vacuum it is the reality. When I create a company, the company starts to exist. Its money are not my money. When I want to use that money, I have to pay income tax. I'm the one who benefits from the things that society provides. The company does not, the company doesn't care.

I will not repeat this again. If you are going to react to my post, please try to be more specific than "your argument stinks" argument.

Comment Re:Tax avoidance (Score 1) 592

Company is abstract construct. Company doesn't care about anything, it is the people that are controlling it. When we say Google did this or that, it means people in Google in the name of the company did this or that. When people in Google decide to destroy it, the company won't fight back. When the company has the money, nobody benefits from that and thus there should be no tax from that money (inflation is good enough).

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