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Comment Re:No iPads are $500 because they are Apple (Score 2, Informative) 201

if the ipad is over priced why isn't their a single competitor with a similarly priced device? Every single device that matches specs is $700 plus. now don't go find a resistive touch screen, I said match specs.

Uh, OK. Boy, that was easy.

Oh, you said match specs. I don't know if Dell offers a cheaper, more Apple-like alternative to the Dell's far superior Gorilla Glass.

Comment Re:Prop 19 could really use ... (Score 1) 205

I feel that the pro side has a much stronger case

You are forgetting another argument for the pro side: while marijuana is illegal you have a defacto illicit market for its distribution. Once it's legal and regulated, legitimate entrepreneurs come in and market forces push the price down, which drives the criminals away.

Comment Re:Prop 19 (Score 1) 205

I do believe the DEA will challenge it if it passes

No, they won't. They're not that stupid.

The Feds do not have anywhere near the numbers of agents necessary to do this. Just to put things in perspective: even if you took all the currently available federal agents from the FBI (~13500), the ATF (~2500) and the DEA (~5500), that's about the same number of sworn officers in the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department alone.

There is simply no way they could do it. And on top of that, they would get no cooperation from local police if they tried this. Why should they? It's a complete waste of taxpayers dollars that could be better-spent fighting real crimes.

Comment Re:The law is weird....you know this. (Score 1) 359

your custody can be affected by dismissed or acquitted charges

Sentencing rules for judges (or lack thereof) are absolutely, fundamentally fucked in this country. This all but ensures a revolving-door policy for prisoners. You're basically guaranteeing that they'll stay criminals for the rest of their lives.

I'm sorry to hear about your injustice.

Comment Re:Astroturfing on Slashdot (Score 1) 353

Devices like iPad are making computing palatable for people who might otherwise shun desktop or laptop computers. This is deeply offensive to mainstream geeks, who are the real "elitists".

It is deeply offensive to those of us who learned how to use computers without them having to be so locked-down and dumbed-down as to render them crippled-by-design. Yet for some reason "kids today" are so intellectually hobbled that they happily hand over the reigns to their own hardware like drivers giving up keys just to tag along for a ride in the passenger seat of their own car.

Comment Re:The Best Java Script Engine Available... (Score 1) 352

Most JS code on websites is actually for cross-browser compatibility work-arounds to issues that modern browsers don't have a problem with (navigation menus, hover effects, etc.)

Once the world is rid of IE6 (and, let's be honest, IE7 as well) web developers won't need to add giant libraries to their HTML to guarantee everyone is seeing the same thing. Of course, a lot of those developers aren't much smarter than script-kiddies, and rely heavily on 100K+ JavaScript libraries because they never bothered to learn the fundamentals of the language and only understand jQuery shortcuts.

Comment Re:So many people miss the point (Score 1) 299

Lots of words to say, its gambling. Akin to betting on horses.

No, just the right amount of words to describe something entirely different than gambling. That's the whole point, which apparently sailed quietly past your dock.

Gambling is when you don't know the outcome.
Gambling is for suckers. These guys merely recognized the patterns and took advantage of them.

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