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Submission + - Defending Dan Hesse on Sprint Business Strategy (broadbandconvergent.com)

broadbandconvergent writes: "The problem with Dan Hesse is one of perception. He is being blamed for every blunder Sprint (NYSE: S) has made since the beginning of time, Clearwire, WiMAX, and merger disasters included. His current business strategy in guiding Sprint out of these missteps represents a well thought out plan to logically position the company to compete with Verizon and AT&T in the future. Yes, he is taking short-term heat from detractors who want to see short-term profits as Wall Street envisions. Thankfully, Hesse is not listening and continues to follow his vision."

Submission + - Comcast App Flap: Shows Anxiety in Xfinity App to Compete Effectively (broadbandconvergent.com)

broadbandconvergent writes: "Read Hastings of Netflix (NASDAQ: NFLX) may have found anxiety in Comcast executives of the ability of their Xfinity App to compete against competitors on the open Internet. Comcast (NASDAQ: CMCSA) launched the Xfinity App on the X-Box 360 to showcase its large program library to customers. Consequently, the consumption of programming through the app does not count against Comcast customer’s data limit for the month. What Netflix CEO Hastings found was that if customers used a competing app their data cap was counted against them."

Submission + - Verizon Aggressively Upgrades Network | Becoming Go-To Mobile Carrier (broadbandconvergent.com)

broadbandconvergent writes: "Coverage about Mobile Providers keeping up with demand on their networks has been a favorite topic of mine for some time. Verizon seems to be seeing the value in offering a stellar product as it aggressively moves to upgrade its network infrastructure to accommodate use of 4G LTE technology. It is fast building market confidence as the Go-To carrier for mobile. Changing business investment strategies from wire-line to mobile; it abandoned its FIOS, (FTTH) technology deployments to focus on more immediate needs as consumer demand continues to shift toward mobile devices, iPad, Smartphones."

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