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Comment Re: that proves the point!! (Score 1) 782

I think that proves the point. OOP totally trashed Objective-C and the only solution was to sunset the whole thing.

Or It could be - times change and the model used to create Object-C is fundamentally different.

Or - people like to rewrite things because they are tired of dealing with the problems of the existing system - thus believing they won't make the same mistakes again. hah!

I've done functional programming (F# and R) and I don't see either of them solving the fundamental issue of why software comes to suck. I've worked on obsolete programming languages that were invented before OO was a thing -- and all of those had to be thrown out too. There was no refactoring to anything modern. The code was written to work one way - that demanded of the business requirement - and nothing more. Then after the millionth addon the house-of-cards crumbled.

OO is the problem. hah.

Comment No New Gas Stations too?! (Score 1) 548

No market decisions here.

While I appreciate that electricity can replace NG/LP in most situations, I'm not ready for the govt to tell me what I can/can't do in this space. Sorry, but I still think gas cooks better. And while I've heard that induction is terrific it is priced out of my range.

What next? I can't cook marshmallows over a backyard fire? Laugh - it's been suggested.

Comment omg - Twitter was down?! (Score 1) 160

blip! I didn't even notice. Of course those reading /. weren't on Twitter at the time. It's odd to publish a message on one platform that another social media platform was down was down. Can you imaging the FB posts "omg. Only some of my friends will Share this Post showing they care about Twitter"

Those who actually use Twitter would have noticed. The rest of us don't care.

Comment Quite interesting - but questionable approach (Score 4, Interesting) 108

For years I've wondered why the vegetarian replacement market was making "bacon." Isn't the whole idea that people don't want to eat animals - so recreating bacon/breakfast-sausage/hamburger simply recreating the animal eating experience?

Or is this to convert all of meat eaters to veggie alternatives? and thus reduce/replace food using plants. whatever.

But I've long thought that maybe they could create new flavors that don't exist in nature. If they taste good - great. Kool-aid doesn't taste like anything in nature!! Finding names might be tricky.

"tastes like chicken"

Comment It was the IN thing - the must have (Score 1) 166

It took me a year to convince my parents to buy me one. I recall it was the in thing at grade-school. "Everyone" had one.

I listened to so much music after that, copying records to tape. I also remember Sharing music and mix tapes. The biggest accessory was a headphone splitter jack so that you could listen with friends!!! Those long family drives or school trips I'd pack extra batteries and just listen. It was freedom.

Mine was the fancier model that had Auto-Reverse!! Kind of a big honker with room for 2-AA batteries and also a neck strap. I took it everywhere.

But the next BIG in thing was the new one that came out years later -- it was literally the size of a cassette tape box. When you removed the tape cartridge it Folded and got smaller - such that it fit in your storage tape box. Battery life sucked. But it was coool !! And expensive. Only 1 or 2 kids had one - and we all envied them. Technically it was a neat design, the battery fit under the tape, it was stripped down, impossibly small - and the way it collapsed was ingenious. Too rich for my blood.

Comment More Opinion than Fact (Score 3, Interesting) 140

I've read a few of these articles and most are heavily opinionated that "Apple is drifting and look who recently left -- that proves it !!"

"Way back when" Apple didn't have a concrete vision and floundered - needing Jobs to come back. A new growth cycle is beginning and maybe it's time he moved on. He did a lot of great things and helped build a huge amount of good-will capital for Apple. Now Apple needs to spend that and re-envision its future. Apple knows that fewer people are buying phones, whether it be Price or Saturation, it's reached a plateau.

Apple is changing. Old people who wish the company could still live the glory days should leave !! Apple is, maybe NEEDs to, move to be a content provider (or something else). Whether it be Music or Movies etc. Everyone makes a phone just like everyone makes TVs. Now that everyone has an iPhone, where next should Apple grow? Apple was wise to stop reporting on device sales - they don't want to be known as a device-only company.

I ask: Can the chief Hardware designer drive Content growth?

My concern would be - do I trust that Apple is capable of Change and do they see and/or have a vision of what the future is... and can they execute on that vision?


Comment The cheaper one stupid !! (Score 1) 203

Causation Correlation here folks.

Yes a lot of people like the smaller screen --- possibly because it comes on a Cheaper model ?!

Another analysis might point out that the majority of his users are OLD phones. I personally waited for the new models to come out and then snapped up an iPhone8 after the price drop.

Sure, I will also admit that I like the smaller screen because it fits in my pocket, I own an iPad for the larger screen experience. I traded up from an iPhone5 and really liked the smaller phone. To me the iPhone8 was the lessor of evils -- smallest/cheaper/new-enough that it'll last a few years.

It could be smaller size. But it could also be price fatigue.

Comment What's another trillion on the deficit (Score 1) 1514

Oh sure, the plan calls to tax somebody to pay for it. Like that'll happen. Instead the deficit will grow another trillion.

It'll roll over from $22 trillion to $23.5 overnight. Whatever !!! Put it on the credit card.

In my state there was a tax intended to cover the cost of something. Well that turned out to be a huge pile of money - just enough to cover the costs as intended. However, after legislators saw the money piling up they decided to spend it elsewhere. The original intended problem is now underfunded and the state deficit continues to grow. I've given up - when I die I'll be in debt too. suck it creditors.

Free money, Free money, who wants free money!?!

Comment Wait 'til the bills come in (Score 1) 126

1 day of work doesn't earn much money. I'd imagine that at some point having such little salary would creep up in the form of "omg how will I pay these bills?"

Sure the glow of getting a job is nice, even if it's a small job. Yeah - I'm not a loser! I have a job! Somebody loves me, I'm productive! etc.

But give it a month or two and see if the new-job-glow is still there.

Comment Re:Only source is Reddit? (Score 1) 71

That's what I was thinking. This feels more like a rogue app than a cellphone company doing nefarious things. The headline is grabbed from recent "USA doesn't like this company" sentiments.

Maybe somebody can change the title because ... it isn't true. Bloggers vs journalists.

And what is up with Reddit? Google "news" feed puts Reddit "articles" into my feed all the time and they amount to nothing more than a FB like post. News it aint'

Comment We respect your privacy (Score 2) 69

What's there to understand? They respect our privacy until it gets leaked. And it will be leaked or stolen...and the only recourse is for them to say "we're so sorry - we take your privacy/security seriously" Pessimistic self says - this is what always happens. So privacy policy be damned. Those who steal it offer no policy.

  I rarely read them - certainly not to the end. I like to know if they have big stated plans for my data, like sell it etc.

I use the platform, they use me. we all win.

Comment Cool use of technology !!! (Score 2) 131

While holy disturbing - you gotta admit it is a cool idea. Assuming they weren't listening to conversations and only fingerprinting the audio it is a terrific example of Minority Report in action. Except they kill the bar owner.

Geez. How bad is piracy in Spain that this idea even emerged as "we need to do this!" Rather than sending auditors around to random bars and verifying.

I know, I know. Better idea is to create a system where People can call and Report on the activities of others. Then the gestapo..^h^h^h^h ..authorities can come and investigate.

Comment Interesting Relationship (Score 3, Insightful) 76

Overall this good. Cleaner cars will help air pollution in dense population centers.

But, what is the relationship between Uber and it's drivers in India? I thought the drivers are supposed to be independent contractors. Therefore, can Uber demand drivers buy new cars?

Uber doesn't own the cars. Either they only hire contractors with electric cars or offer an incentive? It could be a scheduling incentive -- electric cars get the notification of a new ride first or a premium fare?!

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