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Comment Re:Alternatives to Flash? (Score 1) 241

The GP asked about vector animation, not embedded video. These are different things; you can make videos of vector animations, but you can also have vector animations presented and controlled as fully accessible trees of objects in the DOM. Why are you talking about videos?

It's worth noting the GP's response to your post is quite accurate, however.

Comment Re:Ghost transactions (Score 1) 167

Quoting the original text:

Was this transaction really intended to be secret? "Leaking" the identity seems like a positive PR move for the exchange

I don't think the poster was intending to imply that BTC transactions are anonymous. In reply to his/her post, reiterating the oft-missed point that the protocol has no design attributes intended to enforce anonymity isn't splitting hairs; it's more a conversational response referencing the GP above that post. Also, an entity doesn't have to directly link itself to BTC transactions to be revealed as a participant, given sufficient analysis of all transactions. 1-1 transactions don't do much to frustrate traffic analysis, either. These are points that other posters have made, and you have missed.

Comment Re:Quiz? (Score 3, Interesting) 121

and in fact he didn't since he wasn't planning on his destination being Russia

Prove it. It's likely he had a number of eventual destinations in mind, unless he's a complete idiot, which he doesn't appear to be.

why hold on to something that gives the USA reason to assassinate you and Russia reason to torture it out of you

This demonstrates extremely thin understanding of the conditions under which it would be useful to torture someone, and of the actual information that could be gained as a result.

as well as a matter of ensuring that info would be able to get out

There are many ways of ensuring information gets out in the event of your demise. Reference "dead man's switch." Cheers.

Comment Re:Quiz? (Score 4, Interesting) 121

Snowden no longer can be given credit for anything; He released everything he stole months ago.

A finite, but as of now undetermined, amount of data was conveyed to journalists. I am keenly interested in seeing objective proof that the sum of those disclosures is equal to the sum of all information in his possession. If you're planning on using Snowden's public statements in support of your view that everything he has is already in someone else's hands, I suggest you consult the dictionary for the definition of "naive."

I served in the United States Navy as a submariner, and I've been rather intimately involved with communications networks since around the age of eleven. You might be surprised to learn that I applaud Snowden's revelations regarding pervasive NSA surveillance of American citizens at home, abroad, and in interaction with allied nations. I doubt you have the depth of experience or context to fully appreciate why I applaud it, though, given your choice of the word "stole" to describe the materials in question. I prefer the term "returned," or perhaps "disclosed," as in "disclosed to the American people what their government had been doing in violation of their own Constitution," a document I swore an oath to uphold and defend against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Again, I doubt you truly understand what that means.

Comment Re:Ghost transactions (Score 4, Insightful) 167

Indeed on all points, and I'm still trying to figure out why people keep making the assumption that identity protection or obfuscation measures of any sort are part of the protocol. Maybe it's the "crypto" part of "cryptocurrency" that causes some kind of automatic correlation, although if that were the case one would think that the widespread use of cryptographic mechanisms for identity verification might encourage the opposite assumption.

Comment Re:another day (Score 0) 85

I'll expand upon my last comment a bit: if I had a dollar for every time I've heard the expression "I'm an expert at [insert thing here]" from someone who has the benefits of age and allegedly tons of experience with [insert thing here], and I subsequently have to fix whatever busted server/network/software config was put in place by the "expert," I'd be a wealthy man. Instead, at 32 I've learned that assumptions about competence should never be made based on things like UIDs. You can hope someone who has been in a field for a while knows what he's doing, but you cannot assume it, as you'll simply see that assumption proven wrong too many times and with too many nasty consequences.

Comment Re:Fixed-point arithmetic (Score 2) 226

No worries at all; the intent of my post was to encourage the GP to consult documentation specific to the implied case that the Mathematica developers hadn't considered the problem. I believe your submission was a good one, as it isn't always a guarantee that developers will have considered the implications of floating point calculations in any given codebase. Getting people to think about things is never a bad thing.

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