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Comment Rebates (Score 5, Interesting) 292

They also used rebates to make their products seem $20 less expensive. There's a new rebate every week, and the rebate expires after a week. So you must file for your rebate the day you purchase, or by the time to go to collect the rebate yours will have expired.Got burned by this once. Didn't turn me into a repeat customer.

Comment Re:Intel i3 (Score 1) 187

It runs some games faster than an 8-core AMD...

Ouch. And probably true for most games, not just some of them. To be fair though, I think most game developers target intel chips and use intel compilers. I will bet that with both playstation and xbox going aggressively multi-core, developers will change that, and we'll begin to see it in benchmarks.

Comment Bad Article Title (Score 2) 254

Given the way the author searched, the title of the article should be "Top 10 worst coded programming languages" or maybe "Top 10 worst Hacked Programming Languages". The article only measures what coders thing of other people's code, not the languages themselves.

Comment What will Microsoft do? (Score 1) 510

While it may well flop, this seems like a very credible challenge to Microsoft's dominance in gaming. Given a very specific subset of hardware like a steam box will represent, linux can run flawlessly and offer great performance. Valve can throw together tremendous functionality very cheaply by bundling existing applications like XBMC or VLC, not to mention WINE. As with linux in general, many of WINE's configuration problems and glitches go away when you start thinking about a very specific subset of hardware.

The question is, how does Microsoft respond to it? Do they start looking to pursue intellectual property claims against WINE, or against Valve for using it? (or is this the very reason that Valve is pushing for native ports of games?) What else can Microsoft to to put the brakes on Valve?

Comment Re:There's another side of things (Score 1) 688

REALITY CHECK: There is absolutely NO WAY it's coming to me. Cars compete with other models at certain price points. I believe this is a case where either Tesla makes an extra few percent profit or has to share that bit with a dealership -- which I may or may not be able to haggle with.

Comment There's another side of things (Score 2) 688

So far, nobody's mentioned in the discussion the following angle on the story:

OK. So dealerships don't like being cut out. And they don't like it. Of course not. They're small businesses. They're owned by families, not giant corporations, and those families are terrified that all the rest of the giant corporations will cut them out the way that Tesla does. Is it really so much better when Tesla Corp (or Elon Musk, for that matter) keeps all the profit instead of sharing a small percent with a local family?

I'm not a car dealer. Just thought maybe this was a point worth considering.

Comment Re:This seems weak. (Score 1) 130

As for "carefully organized screwing over of consumers," that's what the DoJ thought it convicted Apple of. But the Judge seems to be more convinced Apple carefully organized a screwing of Amazon, which had the extremely illegal side-effect of screwing consumers. And if that's the case the way you prevent future occurrences isn't by gutting Apple, it's by ensuring there's a guy at the Board Meeting who can say "Morons, if you do this business move it will screw consumers and I will tell the Judge to fine you $8 Billion."

It's a very fine line, but I think you (and the judge) are probably on to something there.That having been said, they knew what they were doing.

BTW, I sincerely doubt Apple's fine will be as high as you'd like.

I don't particularly want to see apple fined at all.They obviously make very good products that people like. Because of this, they don't need to screw consumers, but they did it anyway. I think they should be prevented from doing so again. Personally, I'd rather see them forced to allow people to be able to buy ebooks through the kindle or nook app than forcing them to pay a big fine.

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