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Comment Re:This doesn't work on me. (Score 1) 350

This was a real problem for me on WoW since I liked to play female toons. Somehow, I don't know why, everybody assumed I was female in real life. I realize there are always the 14 year old boys who want to talk to any 'girl', but even the guild leader (A woman herself) and several adults in the guild were shocked when I finally got on Ventrillo. I don't think I type using feminine words or expressions. I guess there might had been a lack of male lunk headedness on my part. One Guildie even tried getting me into cyber sex chat (a rather lame attempt too) before I had to put on the brakes and told him I was really a guy.

Comment Re:Here come the lawsuits (Score 1) 174

Agreed, the first thing that popped in my mind is, "this won't stay cheap for long". Sure Amazon might offer some good discounts on text book rentals to pry away students from the University cash cow that is the student union bookstore. But once they have gotten a decent market share, the price can go as high as students are willing to pay, which is pretty damn high. Sure, they'll rationalize the price hikes, but they're coming.

Comment Re:Game? (Score 1) 255

The thrill is for many people is designing redstone circuits to automate things, like mine carts and traps. Others like to be creative and build structures. I find some of that stuff interesting, but it's not my love. I haven't played minecraft seriously for a couple of months. Some more traditional RPG elements would be nice for me, but probably not others. Combat is a joke and and once you know how to set yourself up the first day, nothing is likely to hurt you, short of falling off a cliff or into deep lava. If you find a good cave system, then exploring can be fun, but again, combat is not a concern other than creepers but you just carry some food with you.

I like the game, but I wish there was other things to do other than build.

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