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Comment Being depressed. (Score 1) 512

Catatonic depression basically shuts me down to the point where I'm not capable of doing anything, which is good because it's at these times that I realize that life is worthless, shitty, and without redeeming value. If I had any inertia I'd kill myself. This is the worst of the sin wave.

During the "normal depression" I just want to be alone and I find no joy in life. However anything that is escapist is appealing. I write stories, poetry, paint, and otherwise find outlets for creativity. It's all stuff you'd get really depressed if you saw, but there it is... the world deconstructed.

Then there are the times I'm feeling well. This is freedom like most people will never know. Remember that scene in Fight Club where he tells the guy that if he doesn't follow his dream he'll come back and kill him and then says something like "tomorrow his breakfast will taste better than anything you or I have ever eaten"? Well that's what it's like. The high of the sin wave. I can't even remember what depression is like... or even that I have it. All things feel good and life is wonderful. All my relationships have started in these phases. Hypo-manic, in a way.

I score in the top 99% for analytical thinking (for my age).
In the third grade I scored 152 on an IQ test.
I can solve most problems without actually thinking about the steps required. I just "know".

And yet, today I wanted to step in front of the subway train.

Comment Modding SC2 (Score 1) 141

With the very wide open API that's being created for SC2, it is very likely that someone could create this variant in SC2 in very short order.

I give it a month after release. I mean before the release. I mean after the before release... you get the idea.

Comment Patronize us (Score 2, Interesting) 348

Quoting a very funny website:

"A short patronizing history
Before the growth of the merchant class, nobility used their money, power, and influence to promote ideas through the use of patronage. If they favored an artist, philosopher, musician, writers, orator, scientist or even a jester, they would patronize them and in this way their ideas would flourish. The patrons, who were often egotistical, would take credit for the ideas and would circulate them to further their own fame.

After the growth of the merchant class, nobility lost sole control over money, power and influence and patronage was partially replaced with commerce. Artists, philosophers, musicians, writers, orators, scientists and even jesters were forced to please many people instead of just one in order to survive. Spreading their creative ideas became much harder because they did not have the money, power, or influence of the nobility.

With the advent of marketing artists, philosophers, musicians, writers, orators, scientists, and even jesters were forced to associate with advertisers, distributors, branders, promoters and other middlemen in order to reach an audience. In essence these marketers became the new patrons."


Comment Re:Yes... information *IS* free (Score 1) 348

who are you talking to?
I'm a small 'content producer' who has 100% embraced digital distribution, does not employ lawyers, and does not support the RIAA, MPAA or any other government lobbying organisation.

I'm talking to you.

For TPB to "rip you off", you have to be using some idiotic idea of content production where you think you can own information. You can't own information. You won't make money if you continue to think you can. Find another model for selling your skills.

You are a service provider, not a property producer.

Move on. Society has gotten past your illusions of "productizing" and the myth of owning something that is only licensed to you.

You blame TPB, but the blame lies with you.

Comment Yes... information *IS* free (Score 5, Insightful) 348

Stewart Brand was close. He almost understood.

You can't make someone pay for information unless you're the only one that can provide it. Everyone. Every single person reading this... you are a potential content provider. You could make every bit of information on your computer available, right now.

Sue us.

All of us. ...because that's the only way you can stop the tidal wave that will crush your monopoly of distribution.

You're idea of how to define property are antiquated and you're about to become extinct unless you mutate. The only people making money now are your lawyers.

And when you've lost. When you've bled yourself dry and lost all support from the public you think you pander to, the dust will settle and we will still be here distributing information. Not because we are cheap. Not because we don't want creativity to win... but because information is free.

Hint: creating information is a service people will gladly pay for...

Comment Article doesn't talk about incriminating others (Score 2, Interesting) 96

While you can attempt to write in someone else's style, you're going to run into problems duplicating it strongly enough for a stylometric analysis to implicate them. Even if you lifted exact phrases from previous works you will invariably need to come up with original words, phrases, and sentence structures to fill the gaps where the original author has not written. These should be enough put reasonable doubt as to the authorship of the faked text.

More over, if it's identified as a fake, by eliminating the material that was copied from previous styles it's likely that your identity may be revealed from the pieces that you inserted to fill gaps. Obviously the longer the piece, the more likely this is.

The technique of hiding one's own identity is a matter of using the same techniques in stylometrics to identify phrases, words, and structures that would identify you, and then changing these until they no longer give an indication of your identity.

Attempting to creating a work that duplicates someone else's stylometric signature would be fairly obvious to linguists.

Comment Tyler Durden... Balance is for wimps. (Score 1) 209

âoeI say never be complete, I say stop being perfect, I say let... lets evolve, let the chips fall where they may.â

Why are people so obsessed with balancing these classes. It's stupid and impossible in the long run to create this kind of balance. Rather, classes should be considered "easier" or "harder" to play. If the Rouge class is under-powered then it just makes a high level Rouge player that much more impressive. If a Fighter is easy to level, then you might go that route when you start playing. Instead of wasting time trying to balance the classes, the designers need to focus on making each class fun to play, which is infinitely more important than supposed game balance.

Besides, all this nerfing and buffing of classes just annoys people. Get back to making the game fun.

Comment Who can/can't legally provide gambling? (US) (Score 1) 223


* In most states, your local church can do bingo. Believe me when I tell you that it's gambling.
* The state itself my set up a monopoly on lotteries, some in collusion with other states.
* Some states allow gambling establishments to particular parties, often hand picked by officials, to run organizations.
* Considered non-US, but inside the borders of the US, Indian Reservations.


* Average citizens who do not have political or financial clout enough to purchase licenses.
* Anyone attempting to provide gambling from outside the US by any infrastructure (phone, internet, etc)

Gambling is very profitable, but the profit doesn't come from what you think it does. It's not the 10% margin on bets. That's a nice thought, but it doesn't wash. Gambling is profitable because people gamble to a loss margin. For example I may go to Vegas and $2000 with me. I'm likely to play that money away. I won't stop at $200. I'll keep playing until that entire bankroll is gone. I may even win $500 on a $10 bet, and this is what I'll remember. The easy money I made... but most would gamble that away too. It's not 10%, it's 10% compounded per bet. This is why there are limits on the kinds of bets that get you a 50/50 split. When you bet on black, you are limited much more to the amount you can bet than you are if you bet on 00 even though the pay-out is less.

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