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Comment What an idiot! (Score 0) 72

The internet is a part of life now, and large data centers are part of the modern world. They use energy. That is not a problem. Like everything else, it would be good to develop more energy-efficient servers, but it's not the end of the world, or a 'dirty little secret'.

This seems to be just another case of someone who doesn't want real work being done in the U.S. First they chase out all the factories, because they're too 'icky' and low-class, now guys like this want to eliminate all the data centers, and live in a world where all industrial facilities are off-shore in the third-world, and someone else's problem.

Comment What exactly is being patented here? (Score 2) 188

I just read through the patent and I can't make head or tail of what exactly is being patented. The best I can tell is some sort of system that has multiple identities that it shows to different people depending on your relationship.

And if it's difficult to tell what is being patented should it really be patented?

Comment He CAN afford to defend the suit (Score 1) 214


"(Note: I have enough money to defend thus suit all the way through trial without it being a severe financial hardship, so please do not give if it is a hardship for you. But, if you would like to make a contribution to help with the cause because you want to help stop people like this, then it will surely be appreciated!)"

Submission + - The end of Slashdot? ( 2

The_Revelation writes: "Hi everyone! As a Slashdot user for over what seems like 10 years, I'd like to start by admitting how much I love this place! Unfortunately, over time we have witnessed the disintegration of our once loved news resource. The first time I ever had to contact Slashdot was about 2 years ago when everything went through this Digg V4 style browsing change, which did not work with Chrome. I sent a nice letter to CmdrTaco, and he replied with something to the affect of 'try Internet Explorer, not my problem'. That was okay tho, cos I still love this site, even if I choose not to endorse MS products the way he did for the sake of site compatibility. But I think we all know the familiar ring of the bell when you try to send some basic site feedback and the address is "mailto:feedback at this domain". Unless the Internet has changed in the past 10 years, that doesn't look like a valid email address, and for a site that proclaims to be 'news for nerds', that would never fly unless there were simply no interest taken in the site. Goodnight sweet prince."

Comment All together now.... (Score 1) 626

"Correlation is Not Causation"

You're not going to wind up smoking four times a week without some bad shit going on in your life. It's perfectly possible to be a healthy person and smoke roughly once or twice a week, but once you get much more than that, common sense will tell you other things are going on. Perhaps depression? Maybe personal issues that weed provides an escape from?

This study isn't that meaningful. Socioeconomic background needs to be discussed, as does home environment, and other areas of mental and physical health.

Saying that smoking weed four times or more a week is correlated with a drop in IQ is meaningless, because we don't know the concept. I will say that from my personal anecdotal evidence, when people smoke that much, there is something else going on.

Or, here's a possibility. You're a pissed off kid. Your crazy parents are making you take an IQ test. The type of guy who smokes a lot of weed is also the type to fill out random bubbles and generally not give a fuck about an IQ test.

This needs to be studied with well-funded, open-minded research.

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