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Comment Re:What a Load of Bullcrap! (Score 1) 1199

Yes, I do think that, but I am also an atheist and think religion is kinda stupid in general. Personally I say let the market figure it out; if the parent poster is truly more valuable than other workers, then his employer may keep him on regardless of his issues. Bear in mind that the cost of medical insurance and any inconvenience to other employees is likely to be factored into this.

Comment Re:Some timing... (Score 1) 233

The App is a glorified downloader/installer. You need to use it for updates if they're distributed through GameStop, but you do not need to have it running in order to play the game. If it is responsible for activation for a particular game, it does it once and then you're done on that machine. I suspect for Guild Wars 2, they handle both activation and updates, though I could be wrong.

Comment Sounds kinda like my volunteer job! (Score 0, Flamebait) 535

I'm a moderator for furry art community Inkbunny in my spare time, and I've seen depictions of everything mentioned in the article and much more besides. However, most of it is permitted under our terms of service - instead, we don't allow human in sexual situations/showing genitals (which are what the laws are targeted at), or general photography (which thankfully avoids most realistic and graphic shock pictures). So the diaper porn stays.

Does it change you? Yeah, I guess. Some of the fetishes are pretty crazy. Rape followed (or preceded) by torture, impalement, or beheadings. People being turning into dirty diapers. Art for those who like to fantasize about eating others - or being eaten. Tentacles galore. Over time you start to blank it out; most just gets a glance as I check it off for humans or other policy violations. All in a day's work. Of course, I can stop any time I like, since I'm not being paid.

(This isn't the experience of every Inkbunny user. We have great tag-based blocking features, but of course as a moderator I can't use them while doing my job.)

Comment Re:The past sucked - time to admit it (Score 1) 382

I think we are both dancing around the core issue: time vs. money. How much is your time worth? If you can take the bus, it may be "worth" it even if it takes twice as long, if your time is not worth $20/hr - especially for trips such as your daily commute which can be planned. For those with no assets even the cost of a car plus insurance may be too much, but a weekly or monthly travel-pass may be an option.

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