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Comment Confirm Deny Cancel? (Score 1) 236

Great just what I need, pop-ups while driving. "Your oil is low! Confirm/Deny/Cancel" *Click* "You're low on fuel! Confirm/Deny/Cancel" *Click* "Do you wish to install ANTIVIUS 2011? Confirm/Deny/Cancel" *Click* "Low price on Viagra! Make your member longer! Confirm/Deny/Cancel" *Click* *CRASH* Windows should have taught us that average people ignore little warning messages and continue until it's too late.

Comment Re:And yet FIOS is not available in most areas.... (Score 1) 160

We have FIOS at my job, 25mbps. My home 2 miles up the same road is 768kbps DSL, FIOS not available there. Tried upgrading to 3mbps DSL and the connection kept dropping, after two weeks going back and forth with tech support they determined I was too far away from the "office" for anything over 800kbps. Fuuuuuuuuu.......

Comment Re:Wait, they have the internet in Missouri? (Score 1) 415

You may jest, but I was still on dial-up up until 6 years ago when I left the state. I tried getting DSL in the early 2k's but after going back and forth with a couple ISPs they determined the lines going down my street were too ancient to support it. They were willing to run a new line to my house for an outrageous fee. There was not even a cable TV line on the street, we had to get satellite. I lived 20 miles from downtown St. Louis. I live in St. Petersburg, FL now, I have an 768kbps DSL line. Just last month I tried upgrading to a 3mbps connection but again the same thing, went back and forth with a couple ISPs and they determined I was too far from the office for a stable connection at that speed. I'd love to know how all these people seem to be getting zippingly fast internet, all my dealings with ISPs wherever I live end up with me getting lowest possible speed.

Comment Re:It's 2011, don't open the attachment (Score 2) 202

Noscript functionality is in Chrome and IE, just not enabled by default. In Chrome go to Options > Under the hood > Content Settings and disable then add your white-listed domains. In IE its a little more complicated, Internet Options > Security > Set Internet to HIGH then go to Trusted Sites and add your white-listed domains. Then go to Internet Options > Programs > Manage Addons > Toolbars and Extensions > Disable any addons you will not use, for addons you do use right click them > More Information > Remove all sites and add only white-listed domains.

Comment Re:I always wondered (Score 1) 63

Non-biological machines may be more durable but require far more energy and resources to operate, repair, and reproduce, so there is a trade off. Remember any molecule that can absorb energy and resist damage will also require more energy to manipulate thus making repair and reproduction more energy intensive. I would hazard a guess that is why life developed and evolved from such molecules, because they were easier to alter.

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