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Comment Re:Duh, they are in jail. (Score 3, Insightful) 394

This. There are two main problems with this and thats that the best criminal hacker they pick up can't be better than the best "good guy" and that the pay off of cybercrime can be incomparably greater than the salary they'd be taking from the government (and every cybercriminal knows this).

That's not to say that there are no hackers that it'd be good to reach out to, it's just an extreme risk they'd be taking.

Comment Re:You're not flying cheaper! (Score 1) 432

No, it's not. People with disabilities can't be charged more for their inherent inconvenience because they're protected by the government. Whether or not that should be so is a moral discussion for a different topic. Ethnic backgrounds don't cost airlines more money, the people who have actually caused problems do; your extension of "logic" is ridiculous. The grandparent is absolutely right, you're buying an exertion of energy to move mass (your own) to a desired location and buying filled capacity on the plane. It would make perfect sense to cost more for your weight, they just never do this because it wouldn't fly with the public.

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