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Comment Re:This doesn't prove anything (Score 1) 437

That would be when I spoke up in a 4-day-old thread, and APK assumed I was the same Anonymous Coward he’d been arguing with for 4 days, which I wasn’t. I just couldn’t resist stepping into the fray.

This explains the stalking bit:
P.S.=> You've made my bookmarks/favs again, in my "trolls" section once more!

(Typical APK.)

Comment Re:Interactivity is key (Score 1) 709

With classic screen-editor BASIC, you can just type in PRINT "1+1=";1+1 and immediately see the results. Once you've entered in a program, you can interactively do things like A=3:GOSUB1000 and try out a sub-portion of their code.

Agreed. Back when I was learning BASIC, I probably did a test-run for every two lines of code (maybe every single line). It probably sucked for my productivity, but I wasn’t programming for productivity’s sake back then.

Comment Re:Can't get there from here (Score 1) 709

I was the opposite. Learned BASIC quite well, picked up C, got disgusted with the shenanigans one had to put up with to handle strings, and gave up. Plus it had no built-in support for colours, sounds, graphics, and cursor control, which I had by that time already been using quite frequently in my BASIC programs. C was like going back to a teletype terminal. Stuff goes in, stuff comes out.

Comment Re:False positives? (Score 1) 437

I did.

And if the result of having someone proofread and give “suggestions” is that the prof thinks the students couldn’t possibly have written it, those suggestions were probably substantial enough that they should have at least checked beforehand. If nothing else, it won’t come as a huge surprise to the prof.

Also, if their response had been “we took it to the learning center and one of the tutors there helped proofread it and gave some suggestions on how we could improve it,” I have a feeling they wouldn’t have had nearly as much trouble, since the learning center (a) has record that they were there, so we know they really wrote the paper and (b) has tutors who know how much they’re supposed to help and how much they’re supposed to require the students to do on their own.

Comment Re:proactive masking? (Score 1) 437

however, if you can actually master this methodology, and the test you are cheating on is a test in a college level statistical analysis class, perhaps you deserve the A nonetheless

If you can actually pull that off in a college-level statistical analysis class, couldn’t you have probably passed it without cheating in the first place?

Comment Re:False positives? (Score 1) 437

When I was in university I wrote a group paper with one guy whose wife was a professional editor, she helped us out by reviewing it and making suggestions

Unless you specifically asked the prof and got permission to do that, you should generally assume that even if a paper is given as a “group” paper, it should still only involve the collaboration of people who are actually in that class, and in that group.

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