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Comment Another Time-Capsule Slashdot Story? (Score 3, Interesting) 216

Hey, 1990 called and wants their headline back.

Thousands of Videogame-Playing Soldiers Could Shape the Future of War

There was a LOT of discussion about the "Nintendo Warriors" and the precision ordnance guided by soldiers with years of training in their parents' basements. Operation Desert Strike, and then later Desert Storm.

Comment Re:New house style? (Score 2) 122

In Japan, you can buy a special locker which the delivery companies can open. Inside it, you have a small tethered "signature stamp" so they can drop off a package and stamp their paperwork with your stamp. The lockers vary from flimsy vinyl rainproofing tents to steel boxes, and you can buy any of them from Amazon.JP.

Comment Re:You don't understand (Score 1) 205

Take off your rose colored glasses for minute. First of all, no-reply emails are a means to notify a customer of something. They are one-way.

I am writing to "notify" you that any business using with this attitude is run by shitty people and deserves to fail. You don't get to dictate what I'm "meant" to do!

Please direct all responses to no-reply@gofuckyourself.com

Comment Re:And one other thing... (Score 1) 205

Sometimes when I have a choice of companies to buy a product from, Ill send an email or fill out the web form asking the same question to multiple companies.

And that's the other asinine thing about bullshit web forms: they force you to send the message to one recipient at a time. As a slightly different example, say I want to write my Congressmen about something. Instead of just writing an email and putting three names in the To: field, now I have to answer a slightly disjoint set of (potentially) invasive questions three times over. It's not that it's hard or even that time-consuming; it's that it's galling because I shouldn't have to jump through hoops like that.

Comment Re:You're nobody. (Score 1) 205

Think about it - if you were running a very large company, would you rather: a) have a catch-all email that runs the gamut of issues, feedback, etc. b) have a way to submit categorized feedback via web forms?

If I were running a very large company, I would want everyone to be forced to just give me their money instead of having to go through the trouble of actually selling something to them in return.

But I wouldn't be entitled to that -- just like how companies are not entitled to be able to dictate communications terms to their customers, either!

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