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Comment So meta version of google lens? (Score 1) 26

Feature set sounds a lot like google lens. Just built in glasses. Why not just hook your phone to the glasses to do the same thing for way less?

Other than the fact that meta doesn't have a phone obviously. Seems like a bit of a waste of purpose built device instead of just outsourcing a lot of work to the device pretty much everyone has on his/her person today.

Comment Re:Sounds about right (Score 0) 112

And that is how a lot of cults get you. Human tendency to note the exceptional new thing and give it extreme attention when noted, but only do this once, plus selective memory that only collects things it associates with extreme negativity.

Because that's an evolved trait. Those who didn't have it, failed to adapt to things like new predator entering the forest you're in and got selected out of the gene pool.

Completely not unique to Green cult. Almost every religious cult uses this, to the point where current far left thinkers that infested most of the Western teacher training programs teach teachers to do to children. You scare the child as much as possible to make them remember the fear, and then you level it out to allow them to remember only that fear and nothing about how and why it was caused. Do this enough times, and mind enters the state of high plasticity, where you can tell it even the most absurd things, and they will be believed. Like that men can turn into women by just believing they are. Something that is so fundamental to life on this planet, that species that are separate by a good billion years from us by divergent evolution and don't even have a central nervous system have no confusion about.

It's that powerful of an adaptive trait in humans. Which is why it's critical to recognise when this pattern gets triggered in your thinking by others who have designs for you. Because that is indeed how how cult recruitment works.

Comment Re:Sounds about right (Score 0) 112

It is normal. That's what it was since we started measuring weather.

The motte and bailey argument is real. You can't justify not believing in doomsday cult version of global warming because of weather because weather is obviously not climate. That's ridiculous.

But you're encouraged to use weather that supports it as an argument for it. To the point where TV newscasts have almost universally changed color palettes of their weather programs to make what was previously shown as green in red. That's self evident.

Comment Re:Sounds about right (Score 0) 112

Fun part: green nutjobs made it legally impossible to get a dual cycle heat pump if you live in one of the most common forms of living there is here. You can get a cooling cycle air heat pump as long as its not visible from outside in apartment buildings, but not heating cycle.

Guess which one is needed more in Finland?

Comment Re:Sounds about right (Score 0) 112

I wish. It's fucking snowing again here in Southern Finland. Can we have some of that "heat stress" please? I had plans to have some fun with football today. Don't think it's happening.

Also was hilarious how quite a few idiots believed the popular narrative and started changing their summer tyres earlier, because late winters aren't a thing any more because of global warming.

Now they're clogging insurance company emergency numbers, because skating on summer tyres is awesome until you encounter a tree or a ditch.

And for those not aware of the "heat deaths" narrative, for every added heat related death, we are shedding about 9 cold related deaths. Because cold is a way better killer than heat.

Comment Re:Politics (Score 0) 334

No, the problem is still too much solar, because due to right of priority seller that intermittents get, it means that stable generators can't sell what they produce much of the time.

Then they go bankrupt and when sun isn't shining, no one is left to keep the lights on.

Subsidy regimes for Big Solar aren't ending any time soon. PRC alone is subsidizing their solar manufacturers so heavily, that pretty much everyone else went bankrupt a while ago. And the regime only got more subsidy heavy since.

Comment Re:Pumped Hydro (Score -1, Troll) 334

It also requires geographic conditions that are absent almost everywhere on the planet. Geothermal is more available than pumped hydro at scale. Which is why there's a lot of babble from the Green crowd about pumped hydro for intermittent storage for decades at this point, and very little to show for it.

Turns out no amount of tongue wagging can generate mountains with empty reservoirs that aren't permeable.

Comment Re:Now who saw that coming? (Score 0) 334

1. Does not exist in meaningful volumes. Will not exist at relevant scales for decades if not centuries. See: mining company reports.
2. Going from supposedly cheap to hilariously expensive due to building costs, maintenance costs and the fact that you're going to need to move it a very long distance before intermittents are in opposite phase of "on/off". As we have seen in European grids, which are exceptionally interconnected, and we're still getting the extreme variability in spite of that.
3. So you can burn cash in your boiler to generate steam and spin the turbine to get electricity?

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