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Comment Re:Where did you get your information? (Score 1) 217

"A stock is a portion of ownership of the company."

While that may be technically true, if there's no dividend the value of their ownership is your yearly vote in your various shareholder meetings (you do vote, don't you?). Stocks are at the bottom of the barrel if the company goes belly up -- behind bonds, creditors and just about everyone else.

And, there is no inherent problem with this on face value. Stocks are stocks. More volatile and therefore more risk but also more potential rewards than bonds or your FDIC-insured savings account.

The problem comes from how this statement has distorted politics. Politicians have convinced the masses that we are all part of an ownership society, to own a stock is to be as good as a CEO and that the rules that are good for Murdoch or Fuld or Paulson are also good for factory workers, computer programmers and waiters. That's how we got a country where taxes on income from useful, productive work are higher than taxes on idle non-productive wealth. We have an entire political party organized around protecting millionaires estates and dividends and a second political party that is afraid to stand up to them.

Comment Re:Agreed. (Score 1) 383

Yes; at least in the macro sense. If you limited the set of potential programmers to only those high school students who are inclined to pick a programming book at random from a bookstore and teach themselves -- without help from family, friends or the school -- to be programmers then you are going to end up with a very small number of programmers.

Comment Re:Even if it were simple or sensible... (Score 1) 184

Exactly. In a slightly more perfect world the government of Afghanistan would try to implement a version of the Alaska Permanent Fund. But, that didn't happen in Iraq, why would it happen in there. Instead the profits are going to go to foreign corporations and local corruption, just like in Africa.

Comment Re:Features Android tablets need (Score 2, Interesting) 168

This is probably more of a hardware problem than an OS problem (Android, iPad or whatever) but what I would like to see in a tablet is Wacom-quality inputs. All the tablets appear to be platforms for consuming entertainment (music, movies, social networks, apps and books) that other people have created for you. I would like to be able to create on a tablet by painting, handwriting, or sketching directly on the screen.

I've only used an iPad for 10 minutes and I've never had a chance to work with an android tablet so I'm curious, how far away is that technology?

Comment Re:I've.never.used.groovy.so.I.have.a.question. (Score 1) 667

(Sorry for the delay)

I should have been more clear. A linked list (implemented as a dequeue, I think) provides for O(1) efficiency for insertions and deletions while an array list is O(N). However, an array list allows for O(1) for random access while a linked list is O(N). You use different list types for different tasks.

The vector is an old version of an array list this is synchronized. The current, correct way of indicating a synchronized data structure is to wrap it on one of the "Collections" wrappers.

But, don't get me wrong. I'm loving working in Ruby but it doesn't make Java inherently wrong, just different.

Comment Re:I've.never.used.groovy.so.I.have.a.question. (Score 1) 667

I love the artistic -- almost poetry -- of well-written Ruby. But the verboseness of Java can be helpful for long term code maintenance (this is assuming the programmer writing the code is aware of what the various constructs mean.)

// Hey code maintainers, I'll probably be doing inserts and deletions with this list
List list1 = new LinkedList();

// Hey code maintainers, I may be doing a lot of random access with this list
List list2 = new ArrayList();

// Hey code maintainers, either: // a. I haven't learned any new Java since 1.1 or // b. I really need a synchronized, random access list
List list3 = new Vector();

// Hey code maintainers, I need a synchronized, random access list
List list4 = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList());

This is versus your Ruby example; concise, but not very implicit information.


# I'm informing my readers that I need a list
myList = []

Comment Re:New and old notes (Score 1) 3

Thank you to the two answers so far.

The PDA approach might be worth a try. I haven't used one since the old Handspring and I can't imagine my client (ie. my wife) willing to migrate her note taking to meet the Palm "graffiti-style". Do modern PDA's handle handwriting better?

As far as the laptop, as a psychiatrist she's talking with her patients in a more friendly face-to-face setting and she's worried that typing is far more intrusive than writing. That being said, a laptop caddy and a small laptop set-up next to her chair might be our inevitable solution.

Submission + - Ask Slashdot: How to Counter a Domain Squatter? 3

pspahn writes: Recently, our small business has decided to finally put the "our website sucks" reality to bed. We are working hard on getting a modern, polished, and effective web site up and running. Today, however, it came to my attention that one of our local competitors (who has a history of stealing our innovations) has registered a domain name identical to ours except for "the" at the beginning. When arriving at their squatted domain, it implies to the user that we have gone out of business and then redirects them to their website (which is equally as crappy as ours).

After some brief research, it appears that there are two "legal" paths to follow. Hiring a lawyer or going through Uniform Domain Name Resolution Policy. Both are somewhat cost prohibitive at this point, and it seems silly to have to fork over thousands of dollars to resolve something that has likely cost us plenty of business as it is. What alternative options do we have for resolving this? Can we send them a generic cease-and-desist? DMCA? Anonymous? Chinese flesh searchers? I'm hoping that we can employ some type of Barbara Streisand spin on this, as we have a long history of being an honest business that doesn't use these kind of deceptive practices to lure customers.

Submission + - Technology solutions for entering doctor's notes? 3

SnapShot writes: My wife is a psychiatrist with her own office. I've set up a simple database for her to manage her patients and keep track of notes, but it hasn't been used yet since the process of getting her handwritten notes into the database is too cumbersome. She writes her notes into a custom form with various sections — treatment plan, mental status exam, medication management, etc. I've tried OCR of her handwritten notes but, since she writes in cursive with additional notes in the margin, uses various symbols such as arrows and circles around sections and the notes are filled with various medical shorthand, drug names, and other domain specific words, the OCR is nearly useless.

Currently, she scans the notes into her computer at the end of the day into b&w bitmap files (keeping the paper original as a backup) but this isn't a great solution since the files are large and unsearchable.

So the Ask Slashdot question, have you found any useful ways to get handwritten data into a database. Hopefully it's simple, works with her current forms, doesn't "auto-mangle" her words and doesn't require her to change her writing style. There are three options that I've started researching:
  1. LiveScribe. It requires a special paper but it appears that I can print her forms onto the paper as needed if I buy a color laser printer. It has the advantages that she'll still have a paper copy, but I'm not sure how well the custom forms will work and how forgiving the system is of mistakes.
  2. Wacom has a tablet with a built-in LCD screen. It's targeted towards graphic designers, but if there are handwriting recognition applications available and if it's responsive enough this could be a great solution.
  3. Get a light laptop and have her type directly as she's talking with the patients. She's worried that this will interfere with the conversation with the patient, but it has the advantage of getting the data directly into the database.
  4. OCR? Nothing I've tried seems to work, but I haven't tried everything...

Thanks in advance.

Submission + - LHC Shuts Down Again for Upgrades (bbc.co.uk)

workman161 writes: "Apparently the LHC is getting shut down again at the end of the year to further refine its construction. While engineers believe it it safe to run at half it's maximum power, the joints between magnets need strengthening before advancing to black-hole creation speed. So now what is supposed to happen in 2012 for the apocalypse?"

Comment Was it a cause of his legal trouble? (Score 1) 691

I read the article, but can't figure out how it got him into legal trouble? It sounds like the law makes it less beneficial to be an independent contractor but doesn't explain how it could get Stack into $10,000 of legal fees.

Or, was this just one of a litany of complaints?

Comment Re:How about the obvious... (Score 4, Informative) 293

If you can't decide on a project, yet. I'd recommend two books: Java After Hours (perfect for a security guard) and Wicked Cool Java. They're both the same basic format, each chapter exposes you to a new library. Wicked Cool Java covers more ground, Java After Hours is a little more detailed for each project.

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