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Comment Re:Yay (Score 1) 309

Are they taking ownership of it and saying yes, expelling Muslims to Pakistan was a good idea, and we should continue? (I would give them credit for at least being internally consistent, which is more than I can say for Republican in the US.) Or, are they also trying to remove discussion of the partition from schools, and otherwise minimizing it?

It all gets blamed on the British Empire. No Hindu ever did anything wrong then or since, according to Modi and the BJP.

In practice, of course, Muhammed Ali Jinnah had the most to do with it: he was determined not to share a post-Empire Indian state with Hindus (or anyone not Muslim).

Comment Are any of them still working? (Score 1) 41

We had to replace our original Chromecast once when it just stopped working and again several years ago when it became flaky and would not reliably stream video without being restarted immediately before use (i.e. you could not leave it connected for a day or two and then use it). The newer ones are a lot more reliable.

In an ideal world the widget would work for longer, but given my experience, I think that Google ending support for it after 10 years may not be cutting off that many still-working devices.

Comment They should be included (Score 5, Insightful) 28

It's very important that developing countries are included in these talks.

We need to include the Philippines (#1 for plastic waste washed into the sea). We also need to include India (#2) and Malaysia (#3). source.

We need to include the nations with the largest number of fishing vessles in the world, whose discarded fishing gear produces most of the plastic in the "Great Pacific Garbage Patch" and much other ocean plastic (20% of global total). That would be China (by far the biggest fishing fleet in the world), along with countries like Benin, Mexico, Bangladesh, Korea, Sri Lanka, and Cambodia. Sources here and here.

In case it is not yet clear: plastic waste and pollution is not only a rich country problem. It's not even mostly a rich country problem. Trying to blame it just on rich countries will not solve the problem. All countries must be engaged and take responsibility for this.

Comment Actual message (Score 5, Insightful) 184

IBM's Chief's message to remote workers: "I will make your career suffer for this"


Remote workers, he said, don't learn how to do things like deal with a difficult client, or how to make trade-offs when designing a new product. "I don't understand how to do all that remotely,"

That is a professional skill deficiency in Mr Krishna. He needs to learn how to do such thing in order to be a good leader of a technical enterprise.

Comment Asks everyone to wait, so he can catch up (Score 1) 285

Elon Musk asked everyone else to stop developing generative and other novel AI systems for six months.

At the same time he starts a new company to do generative and novel AI, which will take several months to get started - after he left OpenAI in 2018.

Even by Elon standards, thats's duplicitous and self-serving.

Casey Newton says it well about Elon Musk:

Elon has a very ChatGPT-like relationship with the truth. This is somebody who is not drawing on a store of facts all the time, I would say.

Comment Re:Follow me (Score 1) 188

Electric cars should be abandoned at the first sign of problems!!

You're obviously being hyperbolic, but we should note that electric cars have nothing to do with autonomous cars. There exist both non-autonomous electric cars and autonomous combustion cars.

Immature electric cars should, perhaps, not be allowed out on the streets where all of us get to bear the costs of assisting the development of these things by various private companies. Let the companies build a test track that doesn't screw up life for the rest of us (and occasionally kill someone).

Comment Re:Think again (Score 5, Insightful) 97

Charging in with all guns blazing as the first response every time is bad policing and not an effective tactic at minimising casualties.

In the UK, Police sometimes go in shooting if the situation requires. Mostly they don't, because the situation doesn't require it. That's because they're highly trained to de-escalate and contain a situation.

US Police are trained to escalate until they get control, regardless of casualties. UK police are trained to minimise casualties.

That's the difference and that's why SWATting doesn't work in the UK, because you can't cause them to go in shooting with a phone call.

Your false dichotomy that the choices are "do nothing" or "charge into the situation and shoot people" is why SWATting works in the USA.

You are part of the problem.

Comment Updates prevented by hardware makers (Score 1) 121

Point of order:

It is SOC and CPU manufacturers, and phone vendors, who cause lack of Android updates, not Google. Even if the phone vendor cares, SOC vendors like Qualcomm (and very much especially Qualcomm) stop supporting their hardware after about 3 years.

It's very hard to roll an Android release without the binary code from the SOC manufacturer that makes the SOC go, and if the SOC manufacturer won't help you, you will find it hard to produce a new Android release for the phone with that SOC.

This is the main reason why Apple has long support cycles and even Google and Samsung usually don't: their ability to do so is fatally undermined by Qualcomm, who just do not care. Apple took control of its own silicon and that's why they can support it for a long time. It's part of why Google and Samsung are also moving to designing all their own silicon.

Comment Re:Imagine renting a car without phone support (Score 1) 121

I'm confused. I rent cars all the time because I travel constantly for work. Why are you plugging or configuring anything in your car? T

Navigation. It's for the navigation display on the car so you aren't holding your phone to navigate (illegal in plenty of places, bad idea everywhere).

Plenty of rentals do not come with a built-in navigation system. The "full size" car I rented last week in California did not come with built in navigation system.

Maybe you've memorised the roads everywhere you travel, but I haven't.

Comment Trust is easy to lose... (Score 1) 56

How can we trust the AI to actually answer our questions truthfully if it's going to advertise to us, i.e. try to persuade is or just lie to us?

The idea of an "AI assistant" who is working for someone else is not attractive.

Perhaps if the adverts are clearly separate from the real answers it may be workable (the secret of Google's success), but any mixing of my interests and others is going to make me distrust the AI and not rely on it, and try not to use it. That's not a model for business growth.

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