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Comment Re:Oh please (Score 0, Troll) 554

Its also a way to identify fucking bigots. Just watch the fucking bigoted comments that appear on this forum.

How many Niger comments do you see posted here. How many people are openly anti gay.Sorry, bull shit argument. To many posters here should never be hired because of their bigoted attitudes. And all you are doing is supporting them.

By stating that things they make public should not be public to the companies they work for. Double standard here?

Comment Re:The new "rationality" test. I support this test (Score 0, Troll) 554

You do realize coward that the parent is a primary example of why companies SHOULD be data mining FaceBook and other web sites about their employees. MaskedSlacker is a primary example of someone that should not be hired based on his online postings.

Postings such as that show the possibility of hostility to fellow workers or customers because of their sexual preferences. How many customers will be lost because of this hostility. Will MaskedSlacker attack someone they work with because he doesn't agree with their sexual preference.

But in typical slash dot mentality, nobody cares about that. But everyone here will be the first to complain when masked slacker or someone like them does cause law suits or harm to someone. The company should have recognized the behavior. The company should have never hired the person.

Your an idiot.

Comment Re:The new "rationality" test. I support this test (Score 0, Troll) 554

Typical hypocrite slash doter. Run to bigoted comments when all else fails.

Do you type Niger and fagot as a AC because your a fucking coward to?

This I freely say and am more than willing for anyone to see, including where I work. The only good bigot is a dead one. I would pay to watch the people you seem to hate so much kill you in the most painful way.

Comment Re:The new "rationality" test. I support this test (Score -1, Troll) 554

Why don't you tell that to the families of people that have died from work violence. You know, the type that show up with a gun and start shooting people. Want to bet many had good job performance reviews?

Bet you don't care about those people though do you. Let them die is your motto. Just don't fuck with anything that YOU consider private. EVEN if you post it online.

I can understand the argument of people getting set up. All I have to do is look at fuck wads like you to see that possibility. But to arrogantly say, all that matters is job performance?

Asshole. Seriously, what a mother fucking asshole.

Comment Re:Sheesh! (Score 1) 133

Ok asshole, your rebutal.

We wanted the population to be free, not repressed.

They still arn't free, and they still are repressed.
Repression and Violence Against Journalists in China on Increase


CENSORSHIP has long been a fact of life for filmmakers in China, but in recent years no director has clashed with the Chinese authorities as often, or as visibly, as Lou Ye. At two of the last five editions of the Cannes Film Festival, with the global media spotlight trained on the south of France, Mr. Lou, 45, has walked up the red carpet to present a movie that was being screened, in competition, without the permission of the Film Bureau in Beijing.

Every one of those were easily found by doing a google search.

Now along with having the largest population in the world still not being free, they are all becoming sick from all the polution from their industrialization.

China's 'cancer villages' reveal dark side of economic boom

Would you like to try again with your comment about westerners and china.

Comment Re:actually, towns aren't all-powerful (Score 1) 310

1). No harm has been proved by those radio emissions. There is not a credible report anywhere stating otherwise.

2). If they felt there was an issue(the city), they should have never allowed cell service allowed in the city. Please see other individual posts regrading the placement requirement of cell towers.

3). How many of the individuals that supported this ordinance own cell phones and place said devices right next to their heads. They have by these actions removed all credibility in their arguments about the cell phone towers. If you can show me that every individual of the town counsel and the parents that proposed this ordinance do not use cell phones. Than I wouldn't consider them hypocritical in their position.

Look, if I thought people were becoming sick from cell towers and or the cell phones that use them. I would not arguing the points. I don't want anyone to become sick. Hell, I wouldn't continue owning a cell phone or using one.

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