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Comment Unfortunately the FSF spoke truth (Score 1, Interesting) 59

Unfortunately, the FSF couldn't resist a final dig, saying the killing of the OS had brought to an end "its updates as well as its 10 years of poisoning education, invading privacy, and threatening user security."

Can anyone point me at an article somewhere that names and explains this religion in which speaking an unflattering truth about a corporation is a sin? I've seen this strange phenomenon twice here on /. in as many days, about two different matters and corporations.

Comment Re:Yes (Score 2) 178

Well, glad you realized you're a socialist. Yes. If you allow the government to tell you what charge port you have to use then you basically will end up having them tell you if you should be allowed a headphone jack, what screen vendors you can use, what other chips you can or can't use. Etc. Etc.

Ya gotta point out an icy mountain to make the case that there's a slippery slope, friend. With the tremendous power that corporations have to bully governments, your concern seems misplaced. What looks like choice is actually fucking the biosphere with toxic trash, and siphoning prosperity away from people who work to give it to those who sit on their asses collecting dividend checks.

Comment Re:Not impressed (Score 1) 107

Discussion around these issues is important, but I don't think it's appropriate for Mozilla to explicitly call out other companies like this.

What about being a corporation rightly should shield them from criticism?

There's enough blind obedience to the corporation these days already. ;-)

Comment Re:Um, no. (Score 1) 35

Do you have a better way to test models?

They're not testing a model, they're expressing a model. Unless disproofs and alternative theories are actively considered, which the article doesn't mention them having been, all we've learned by the observations in this work is how easily confirmation bias can look real purty in that dress. Here's my theory, there's one data point, I'm done -- because I'm Googod. Um, no.

Hypothesis: There is a wide but normal range of response of dopamine neurons in response to given stimuli, and all it tells us about is a biological manufacturing tolerance that doesn't mean anything.

True? False? Don't know, don't care. It's a hypothesis, and it fits the observation.

Comment Re:Um, no. (Score 4, Insightful) 35

Sometimes it does.

The human brain doesn't even pretend to play by the rules of computer science, so the very best that code can do is to approximate someone's existing hypothesis of what seems to be happening inside the brain. The brain that you learn about is that guy whose hypothesis you modeled, as understood by a programmer.

Comment Re:Why 2020? (Score 1) 160

Ah, that "C" language with "obol" behind ...

C is fine. COBOL... Holy shit someone made something useful out of it when I was being happy that someone invented Dittos jeans and it's still here. I'm actually in the process now of teaching an entire office full of people to use SSH instead of telnet in order to access their most mission-critical COBOL application. Which, BTW, is still actively updated. Go figure.

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