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Submission + - How the Suits should assign tasks to Geeks (zeroturnaround.com) 1

bogomilshopov writes: "Not unlike the great zebras and lions of the wild, the “Suits” (Marketing, Sales, Creative) and “Geeks” (Dev, Ops, Infra) in an IT company often face misunderstandings. When highly-technical and less-technical employees in a fast-growing tech shop need to accomplish something jointly, good communication is clearly necessary, but it’s not a one-sided thing.

There is a symbiotic relationship at play; the Suits are at least partly responsible for propagating the Geeks’ natural habitat so that we can all work together in peace and take home a salary. The Geeks make the product and tell the Suits why it’s good. The Suits then turn this into revenue and we all have jobs. Yay!

So how does it work in a distributed work environment, where most direct communication occurs over Skype? In a company where people are working in different offices in different continents, communication becomes naturally less efficient. While technology has been responsible for making a successful distributed work environment possible, I’m continually noticing that, like anti-virus software, solutions to communication struggles are always a few steps behind the next emerging challenges."


Submission + - Google+ Removing Pictures Giving The Finger (techcrunch.com) 1

SharkLaser writes: It turns out that Google has started to remove Google+ pictures that have persons giving the middle finger in it. "Our policy page states, 'Your Profile Picture cannot include mature or offensive content.' Your profile photo was taken down as a violation of this policy". Google+ is supposed to be universal social network, "identity service" and allow sharing like in real life and be a public venue for free expressions. Since the middle finger is so culturally-specific issue, will Google+ also start to remove things like showing the palms of your hands to people (considered insult in Greece), showing soles of your shoes (insult in Middle East), patting someones head (insult in Buddhist countries)? A good number of Google+ users have started to change their profile picture to include the middle finger to show support to MG Siegler, who got his profile picture removed by Google.

Comment Re:I knew it. (Score 1) 455

Speaking as a citizen of a country with universal health care, there is a very good argument for governments enforcing seat belt use here. In the event of a crash, a seat belt significantly reduces the risk of serious injury, and hence the cost to the tax payer to provide medical care. This is true even in the case of privately insured individuals, as most of the major trauma centres are government run, and the insurance companies pay only part of the cost

Even in a country such as the US, without free universal health care, there is still a strong economic argument for enforcing seatbelt use. If as a result of a serious crash, you suffer long term injury or death, then there will be a decrease in your productivity (especially in the latter case). Therefore, a decrease in production, and reduced tax levels, hurting both the individual, and the capacity of the government to provide services. While I'm not familiar with the US social security system, I suspect an accident resulting in permanent disability would also provide added costs in that fashion.

Comment "Other Solar Based Date" (Score 5, Insightful) 219

I'm betraying my ignorance here, but isn't the Gregorian Calendar solar based as well? I mean, pick any arbitrary point on the Earth's orbit, and jot down whenever the Earth passes it again (give or take a few hours), that seems solar based to me. In order to have a solar-based year in the same way as a lunar based year, each one would be around 226 million years...

Submission + - A World Without Schoolteachers (americanthinker.com)

Attila Dimedici writes: I came across a an article this morning that suggests that the Nook and the Kindle have changed things in such a way that schools are becoming obsolete. His premise is that the ideal way to teach children is by a tutor. Schools arose because those who were not well enough off to afford tutors pooled their resources to hire a tutor (teacher) for all of their children. Schools further developed because they offered the opportunity for society to indoctrinate children in the values society considered important. Until today, the indoctrination has become more important than the education.
The author's premise is that the Nook and the Kindle have allowed large amounts of written material on many different subjects to become accessible enough that parents can tutor their children at a price that just about everyone can afford.


The Proton Just Got Smaller 289

inflame writes "A new paper published in Nature has said that the proton may be smaller than we previously thought. The article states 'The difference is so infinitesimal that it might defy belief that anyone, even physicists, would care. But the new measurements could mean that there is a gap in existing theories of quantum mechanics. "It's a very serious discrepancy," says Ingo Sick, a physicist at the University of Basel in Switzerland, who has tried to reconcile the finding with four decades of previous measurements. "There is really something seriously wrong someplace."' Would this indicate new physics if proven?"

Ad Viewing Required For Free Zune HD Games 131

UnknowingFool writes "In releasing the Zune HD, Microsoft decided not to open up software development on the new Zune to third parties yet. Today, Microsoft released a handful of free games for the Zune HD: Texas hold 'em, Sudoku, Space Battle 3, Shell Game, Of the Future, Hexic, Goo Splat and Chess, as well as calculator and weather apps. Users, however, are required to view an ad (up to 30 seconds in length) while the game starts up. While ad-supported free games are also on other platforms, like the iPhone, the difference here is that those iPhone games are from third parties and not from Apple." Reader Rock3t notes related news that the Zune HD will be getting 3D games.
Social Networks

Submission + - App Developers Stung by Twitter's DOS Woes (pcworld.com)

BadERA (Andrew Badera) writes: "http://www.pcworld.com/businesscenter/article/169871/app_developers_stung_by_twitters_dos_woes.html For two weeks now Twitter has pained we third-party API developers with unannounced, breaking security patches last week, and this week's fumbled handling of a DDoS attack. Twitter dealt with the technical issues first — which I wholly agree with — then started sending memos to CNN before they ever bothered to communicate with the developer list. Developers continue to experience throttling, despite whitelisted status, leaving many questions unanswered, while Twitter's platform head, Ryan Sarver, tweets about himself, his gf and the team heading out for sushi."

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