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Comment Re: The plastics industry seems to have become laz (Score 3, Interesting) 113

So far, no one mentioned that phthalates are what gave vinyl dashboards that "new car smell" decades ago. They weren't seen as a problem at that time, until the lower molecular eight ones eventually volatilized out of the dash causing it to lose resiliency and crack after many years. Replacements for various phthalates are not as versatile, are more expensive, and have had their own issues. I have no idea why people think polymer chemists can just come up with new designs that solve all problems and don't cost a fortune to manufacture.

Comment Re:It was the real people, not algorithms (Score 1) 70

These days Facebook has lifted a page from the spammers palybook. Every new post of an identical meme now comes from a different entity. "Hide all" doesn't work any more when they repost under a new astroturfed user name and the same people keep sharing it mindlessly. The "friends' that do this get snoozed for 30 days, especially with old political memes that are intended to stir up negative emotions about someone that thinks in a different direction than the poster. Snooze for 30 days, unfriend the actually crazies, is about all we have left to do to stay sane on that emotional crack website.

Comment Re:Slippery slope of censorship (Score 0) 151

You may not be aware of how social pressures influence people. Go hang with some people at a bar for a few days and see how your attitudes shift. Now, go on Facebook and be subjugated to emotion twisting memes that are well designed to subtlety anger people into actions. Actions that they otherwise would not even consider taking. It's not a simple thing to be on Facebook and stay logical. The place was designed to hook people by any means. It's an addiction that makes Zuck billions at the expense of the sanity of, and damage to the thinking, of users. Ever expanding advertising income is his goal. His means of getting it is utterly dystopian and destructive over time.

Comment This idea has been around for many decades (Score 1) 117

I've known people that worked a three day 12-hour shift workday. It gave them more days off, and saved on travel time and expenses. It gave the companies two sets of full time workers putting in three days of work,with one day off per week. Every company should consider a variation of this plan, if their business allows for it. The only real problems occur with sick days, that were actually 1.5 sick days. So, there's that. It's very practical for manufacturing and warehousing, and can keep those places running 24 hours a day for six days at a time. It's a sound idea.

Comment Re:Unfortunately... (Score 1) 191

The reason that the reboot will likely be a "woke mess" is that it's going to be on CW, which panders to the woke fringe audience. Trans superheros and gay and lesbian lovers on just about every CW show do not give me any reason to think that it's going to be very watchable. Even the Flash, which was pretty solid for five seasons went off the rails with lazy writing and excessive multiverse and time travel. The CW reboot of Walker made me want to take a nap during it. Batwoman is just terrible writing with worse acting. Only Legends of Tomorrow, along with the now ended Supernatural (and some of the earlier Arrow episodes), kept my interest going from day one. So, I hope it'll be great. But, being on the CW there will be pressure to cater to the woke folk. i hope they resist and actually make a great show. I'l watch it, as I liked the original. I'll hope for the best, while expecting more CW woke pablum.

Comment Re:Good Timing (Score 1) 18

No one is being force to move to Windows 11, supposedly. I presume it is just as insecure as Windows 10 is where this particular vulnerability is concerned. No one should believe that Windows 11 is really and truly more secure. The holes in its new layers just haven't all been discovered yet. This game has been played since Windows 98 was the "fastest and most secure Windows ever". Neither statement was entirely correct, unless you ran it on a new faster computer than an older Window 95 one, which when compared on the same machine booted in abut twenty seconds compared to Windows 98, which took twice as long. Microsoft keeps pulling the same PR nonsense out of its bag of tricks, because they know that the public never calls them on it.

Comment Ignorance of the law is no excuse (Score 1) 45

They sound like crybabies with this legal argument. They have a huge legal staff that more than likely took notice of their infractions, but did not push Google management to change as it would have the effect of reducing their ad income. That's the reason for their business, to make money by selling ads. Any internal suggestion to reduce income would have been squashed pretty quickly, Now, they claim to not have known that they were being anti-competitive. That's too hard to believe.

Comment mRNA treatments are seriously needed (Score 1) 21

The world will welcome the elimination of chemotherapy, and its horrific side effects, in favor of specific mRNA treatments designed to have cells build antibodies specific to an individuals cancer. When that happens we'll advance into a new age of medical treatments that no longer are the equivalent of bleeding people to cure the vapors. I hope it happens soon and is afforded to all.

Comment Balony texture just tastes wrong (Score 1) 71

This is how lower cost "lunch meats" are processed, except that the foods are formed into what resembles meat and is not cooked. This stuff just tastes wrong. I bet McDonalds would be interested in 3D printed breading onto precooked nuggets that would only require seconds in a microwave prior to serving. Processed meat, besides being odd tasting, carries risks of contamination from equipment that isn't perfectly cleaned.

Comment Re:It took him that much to realize it? (Score 2) 94

Bezos "let them eat cake" attitude about Amazon workers and his arrogant actions have led to a backlash that he's trying to undo by performing good deeds. How about stop beign a jerk for starters and working to spread the wealth to those that helped make him shit gold bricks.

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