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Simulation of Close Asteroid Fly-By 148

c0mpliant writes "NASA and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory have released a simulation of the path of an asteroid, named Apophis, that will come very close to Earth in 2029 — the closest predicted approach since humans have monitored for such heavenly bodies. The asteroid caused a bit of a scare when astronomers first announced that it would enter Earth's neighborhood some time in the future. However, since that announcement in 2004, more recent calculations have put the odds of collision at 1 in 250,000."

Best Man Rigs Newlyweds' Bed To Tweet During Sex 272

When an UK man was asked to be the best man at a friend's wedding he agreed that he would not pull any pranks before or during the ceremony. Now the groom wishes he had extended the agreement to after the blessed occasion as well. The best man snuck into the newlyweds' house while they were away on their honeymoon and placed a pressure-sensitive device under their mattress. The device now automatically tweets when the couple have sex. The updates include the length of activity and how vigorous the act was on a scale of 1-10.

Comment Re:Pfff. We live off an ECONOMY, not some ecosyste (Score 1) 52

Everything you consume at one point came from an in a round about way....yeah you ARE paying for them and they ARE valuable.

And jeese....whats up with all the liberal/hippy bashing or did I miss some sarcasm in there or something?

Just realized HTML tags work here hehe.

94 New Species Described By CA Academy of Sciences 52

An anonymous reader writes "Researchers at the California Academy of Sciences traversed four continents and two oceans to uncover 94 new species in 2009, proving that while sometimes in this digital age the world can feel like a small place, much of it has yet to be explored. Among the 94 discoveries were 65 arthropods, 14 plants, 8 fishes, 5 sea slugs, one coral, and one fossil mammal. Why does it matter? As Dr. David Mindell, Dean of Science and Research Collections at the Academy, explained, 'Humans rely on healthy ecosystems, made up of organisms and their environments. Creating a comprehensive inventory of life on our planet is critical for understanding and managing resources. Yet a great many life-forms remain to be discovered and described.'"

Comment Anyone Ever Play Horizon's? (Score 1) 362

The game that ONLY ran if you had ONE specific video card ( I believe the Nvidia card that came with the original XBox). It's like the game was coded for the X-Box then converted over to the PC, if you didn't have that Nvidia card, ( I believe it was in the 4 series, 4880 or something, it was years ago ) you were NOT going to play the game. Pity to, the game had tons of potential.....I honestly could not believe they released that crap in the state it was in. Needless to say the release killed the game outright. Some other company has snapped it up now and renamed it Istaria but it will never recover from the horrid launch. Unfortunately I bought the game and had an ATI card at the time, I was rather disappointed :{(

ASCAP Seeks Licensing Fees For Guitar Hero Arcade 146

Self Bias Resistor writes "According to a post on the Arcade-Museum forums, ASCAP is demanding an annual $800 licensing fee from at least one operator of a Guitar Hero Arcade machine, citing ASCAP licensing regulations regarding jukeboxes. An ASCAP representative allegedly told the operator that she viewed the Guitar Hero machine as a jukebox of sorts. The operator told ASCAP to contact Raw Thrills, the company that sells the arcade units. The case is ongoing and GamePolitics is currently seeking clarification of the story from ASCAP."

Are Complex Games Doomed To Have Buggy Releases? 362

An anonymous reader points out a recent article at Gamesradar discussing the frequency of major bugs and technical issues in freshly-released video games. While such issues are often fixed with updates, questions remain about the legality and ethics of rushing a game to launch. Quoting: "As angry as you may be about getting a buggy title, would you want the law to get involved? Meglena Kuneva, EU Consumer Affairs Commissioner, is putting forward legislation that would legally oblige digital game distributors to give refunds for games, putting games in the same category in consumer law as household appliances. ... This call to arms has been praised by tech expert Andy Tanenbaum, author of books like Operating Systems: Design and Implementation. 'I think the idea that commercial software be judged by the same standards as other commercial products is not so crazy,' he says. 'Cars, TVs, and telephones are all expected to work, and they are full of software. Why not standalone software? I think such legislation would put software makers under pressure to first make sure their software works, then worry about more bells and whistles.'"

Yellowstone Supervolcano Larger Than First Thought 451

drewtheman writes "New studies of the plumbing that feeds the Yellowstone supervolcano in Wyoming's Yellowstone National Park shows the plume and the magma chamber under the volcano are larger than first thought and contradicts claims that only shallow hot rock exists. University of Utah research professor of geophysics Robert Smith led four separate studies that verify a plume of hot and molten rock at least 410 miles deep that rises at an angle from the northwest."

Comment Re:Reason for Charge (Score 1) 1079

He was fully in his right to ask why his car was being searched. He did not have to consent to having his car searched to begin with officers need a warrant to do this. Anytime an officer asked to search my car I politely refuse. I have nothing to hide but I do not enjoy all the contents of my car being strewn about and torn apart so that I later have to put everything back where it belongs. Often police searching your vehicle have no respect whatsoever for your personal property and will toss it everywhere. I am always very polite when I interact with officers of the law and I would say probably 80% of the time I am met with rudeness and an overall dickhead attitude that is undeserved. I do not care if your job sucks, if it is so bad you act like a dickhead to everyone you interact with then quit. I think one of the major problems is the overall intellect of most officers is not very high. Most local police officers did poorly in high school and never sought education past that. It scares me so much to know that someone who is less intelligent than me and often bullishly ignorant has so much power over my life. One of the posters mentioned...'so fight it in court'. Well I for one never want it to end up in court. The fact that it resulted in a court case means I probably spent time in the county jail and had to pay bail or either sit there for 4 months waiting for my trial thereby interrupting my life and probably resulting in a loss of my job and hurting my credit score all because of some bullshit charge that should have never been made to start with. My house caught on fire recently and I called the local fire department and as always the police came with them to the scene. I had a friend staying with me that night, he had been going through some hard times with his fiance and needed someone to talk with, since it was late and an hour drive back to his house I told him to just stay with me. While the fire department were putting out the fire one of the officers start circling his vehicle and shining his flashlight in the windows. My friend who was upset about the situation asked the officer, 'Hey man, since you are looking all in my truck did you want to search it or something?' . The officer responded that yes he would like to search the vehicle. Having nothing to hide my friend unlocked his doors and let the officer search his car. My question here is.....why the hell did the officer even look in there in the first place?!? I called the fire department because my house had caught on fire not because I suspected my friend had drugs on him or something. It was total bullshit. Just one more of the interactions I've had with law enforcement that has soured my opinion of them. I also had some 10-13 year old kids vandalize my car ( at 11:30PM on a saturday night at a gas station......why the hell the attendant had not called the police to report a gang of 10 very young kids hanging out in front of the station for that late is beyond me, they were standing out there harassing everyone who came in and out of the store and being a bunch of little punk asses). When I called the police to do a report the guy showed up and was being a HUGE dickhead. Hey buddy, I'm the victim here, don't come over and act like an asshole to me because I need a police report done. When confronted with an officer of the law the best thing you can do is assume they are going to be incredibly rude and act like the biggest dickhead you have ever met, just be as polite and respectful as you possibly can and hope they don't want to start some shit with you if they do you are pretty much screwed since they can make up shit all the want and generally be believed. Whether you win in court or not is not the question, if they want you to you will spend time in the county and face charges from which you will have to be bailed out on which whether you were innocent or guilty will hurt your reputation and have other unwanted effects on your life.

Comment Re:This is never going to work because... (Score 1) 114

You do realize there are people who work in robotics and computer science who are not 'geeky' programmer types. There are a number of psychology professionals who work in and with people in the field. I would think these kind of people would be the ones developing the algorithms for the body language recognition, not the aforementioned 'geeky' programmer types. You can convey the idea and algorithms to the programmer and have him code it if you do not do that kind of thing. There are many psychology professionals who work on GUI designs and making software easier to use and understand and get paid very well for doing so.

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